我有一个SRT文件,用于使用// Build $request here and set $request['start'] to be the offset you want to reach
// Craft getCache() and setCache() functions or methods for cache handling.
// have $cloudSearchClient as your client
if(isset($request['start']) === true and $request['start'] >= 10000)
$originalRequest = $request;
$cursorSeekTarget = $request['start'];
$cursorSeekAmount = 10000; // first one should be 10K since there's no pagination under this
$cursorSeekOffset = 0;
$request['return'] = '_no_fields';
$request['cursor'] = 'initial';
// While there is outstanding work to be done...
while( $cursorSeekAmount > 0 )
$request['size'] = $cursorSeekAmount;
// first hit the local cache
if(empty($result = getCache($request)) === true)
$result = $cloudSearchClient->Search($request);
// store the results in the cache
if(empty($result) === false and empty( $hits = $result->get('hits') ) === false and empty( $hits['hit'] ) === false )
// prepare the next request with the cursor
$request['cursor'] = $hits['cursor'];
$cursorSeekOffset = $cursorSeekOffset + $request['size'];
if($cursorSeekOffset >= $cursorSeekTarget)
$cursorSeekAmount = 0; // Finished, no more work
// the first request needs to get 10k, but after than only get 5K
elseif($cursorSeekAmount >= 10000 and ($cursorSeekTarget - $cursorSeekOffset) > 5000)
$cursorSeekAmount = 5000;
elseif(($cursorSeekOffset + $cursorSeekAmount) > $cursorSeekTarget)
$cursorSeekAmount = $cursorSeekTarget - $cursorSeekOffset;
// if we still need to seek more than 5K records, limit it back again to 5K
if($cursorSeekAmount > 5000)
$cursorSeekAmount = 5000;
// if we still need to seek more than 1K records, limit it back again to 1K
elseif($cursorSeekAmount > 1000)
$cursorSeekAmount = 1000;
// Restore aspects of the original request (the actual 20 items)
$request['size'] = 20;
$request['facet'] = $originalRequest['facet'];
unset($request['return']); // get the default returns
if(empty($result = getCache($request)) === true)
$result = $cloudSearchClient->Search($request);
// No cursor required
$result = $cloudSearchClient->Search( $request );