Ember JS的新手。使用:
➜ rarwe git:(master) ✗ ember -v
version: 0.2.7
node: 0.12.4
npm: 2.11.0
➜ rarwe git:(master) ✗ ember build
version: 0.2.7
controllers/application-compiled.js: line 1, col 1, Use the function form of "use strict".
controllers/application-compiled.js: line 3, col 23, 'exports' is not defined.
controllers/application-compiled.js: line 9, col 14, 'require' is not defined.
controllers/application-compiled.js: line 44, col 1, 'exports' is not defined.
controllers/application-compiled.js: line 46, col 1, 'module' is not defined.
controllers/application-compiled.js: line 46, col 18, 'exports' is not defined.
6 errors
===== 1 JSHint Error
Built project successfully. Stored in "dist/".
嗨,Blong ...感谢您的关注......以下是文件controllers / application-compiled.js的内容:
var checker = require('ember-cli-version-checker');
module.exports = {
name: 'ember-cli-babel',
shouldSetupRegistryInIncluded: function() {
return !checker.isAbove(this, '0.2.0');
setupPreprocessorRegistry: function(type, registry) {
var addon = this;
registry.add('js', {
name: 'ember-cli-babel',
ext: 'js',
toTree: function(tree) {
return require('broccoli-babel-transpiler')(tree, getOptions(addon));
included: function(app) {
this._super.included.apply(this, arguments);
this.app = app;
if (this.shouldSetupRegistryInIncluded()) {
this.setupPreprocessorRegistry('parent', app.registry);
function getOptions(addonContext) {
var baseOptions = (addonContext.parent && addonContext.parent.options) || (addonContext.app && addonContext.app.options),
options = baseOptions && baseOptions['babel'] || {};
// Ensure modules aren't compiled unless explicitly set to compile
options.blacklist = options.blacklist || ['es6.modules'];
// do not enable non-standard transforms
if (!('nonStandard' in options)) {
options.nonStandard = false;
if (options.compileModules === true) {
if (options.blacklist.indexOf('es6.modules') >= 0) {
options.blacklist.splice(options.blacklist.indexOf('es6.modules'), 1);
delete options.compileModules;
} else {
if (options.blacklist.indexOf('es6.modules') < 0) {
// Ember-CLI inserts its own 'use strict' directive
options.highlightCode = false;
return options;