
时间:2015-06-04 09:35:17

标签: vb.net oledb

我有Textboxes,我想使用这些database更新我的Textboxes。我试过删除' '我RegularOTQuery数据库字段中的符号,但我仍然 当我按下Button时,不断收到此错误:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll

Additional information: Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

注意:RegularOT字段在数据库中都是Number类型,而evertything是Short Text


"UPDATE dataNA SET today = '" & datestring & "', 
ProjectCode = '" & PrjctCodePassLbl.Text & "', 
Project = '" & PrjctNameTxtBox.Text & "', 
Mark = '" & MarkTxtBox.Text & "', 
Activity = '" & ActvtyTxtBox.Text & "', 
Regular = '" & Integer.Parse(RglrTxtBox.Text) & "', 
OT = '" & Integer.Parse(OTTxtBox.Text) & "' 

WHERE today = '" & DateLbl.Text & "' AND ProjectCode = '" & PrjctCodePassLbl.Text & "' 
AND Project = '" & PrjctNameLbl.Text & "' 
AND Mark = '" & MarkLbl.Text & "' 
AND Activity = '" & ActvtyLbl.Text & "' 
AND Regular = '" & RglrLbl.Text & "' 
AND OT = '" & OTLbl.Text & "' "

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Dim sql = "UPDATE dataNA SET today = @dt, " & _
          "ProjectCode = @pcode, " & _
          "Project = @prj, " & _
          "Mark = @mark, " & _
          "Activity = @activity, " & _
          "Regular = @regular, " & _
          "OT = @ot " & _
          "WHERE today = @dt1 AND ProjectCode = @pcode1 " & _
          "AND Project = @prj1 "&  
          "AND Mark = @mark1 " & _
          "AND Activity = @activity1 " & _
          "AND Regular = @regular1 " & _
          "AND OT = @ot1 "
 Using cnn = new OleDbConnection(... connectionstring here....)
 Using cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, cnn)
     With cmd
         .Parameters.Add("@dt", OleDbType.VarWChar).Value = datestring 
         .Parameters.Add("@pcode", OleDbType.VarWChar).Value = PrjctCodePassLbl.Text 
         ... and so on with all the other parameters...
         ... remember that with OleDb you need to add them 
         ... to the parameters collection in the same EXACT order 
         ... in which they appear in the sql string.
         ... Of course every parameter should have the correct 
         ... OleDbType expected by your table, for example
         .Parameters.Add("@regular", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Integer.Parse(RglrTxtBox.Text)
         ... finally call
     End With
 End Using
 End Using

检查OleDbType enum here


答案 1 :(得分:0)


"UPDATE dataNA SET today = '" & datestring & "', 
ProjectCode = '" & PrjctCodePassLbl.Text & "', 
Project = '" & PrjctNameTxtBox.Text & "', 
Mark = '" & MarkTxtBox.Text & "', 
Activity = '" & ActvtyTxtBox.Text & "', 
Regular = " & Integer.Parse(RglrTxtBox.Text) & ", 
OT = " & Integer.Parse(OTTxtBox.Text) & " 
WHERE today = '" & DateLbl.Text & "' AND 
ProjectCode = '" & PrjctCodePassLbl.Text & "' AND 
Project = '" & PrjctNameLbl.Text & "' AND 
Mark = '" & MarkLbl.Text & "' AND 
Activity = '" & ActvtyLbl.Text & "' AND 
Regular = " & Integer.Parse(RglrLbl.Text) & " AND 
OT = " & Integer.Parse(OTLbl.Text) & " "