class ButtonTableView : NSTableView
var isAtForeground:Bool = false;
override init(frame frameRect:NSRect) {
super.init(frame: frameRect);
required init?(coder:NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder);
/// Get the row number (if any) that coincides with a specific point - where the point is in window coordinates.
func rowContainingWindowPoint(windowPoint:CGPoint) -> Int? {
var rowNum:Int?;
var tableRectInWindowCoords = convertRect(bounds, toView: nil);
if (CGRectContainsPoint(tableRectInWindowCoords, windowPoint))
let tabPt = convertPoint(windowPoint, fromView: nil);
let indexOfClickedRow = rowAtPoint(tabPt);
if (indexOfClickedRow > -1 && indexOfClickedRow < numberOfRows)
rowNum = indexOfClickedRow;
return rowNum;
func addEventInterception() {
NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask(.LeftMouseDownMask, handler:
(theEvent) -> NSEvent! in
/* Don't bother if the table view is not in the foreground! */
if (!self.isAtForeground) { return theEvent; }
var e:NSEvent? = theEvent;
let p:NSPoint = theEvent.locationInWindow;
/* Did the mouse-down event take place on a row in the table? */
if let row = self.rowContainingWindowPoint(p)
let localPoint = self.convertPoint(p, fromView: nil);
/* Get the column index that was clicked in. */
let col = self.columnAtPoint(localPoint);
/* Get the table cell view on which the mouse down event took place. */
let tcv = self.viewAtColumn(col, row: row, makeIfNecessary: false) as! NSTableCellView;
/* Did the click occur on the table view? */
let tableBoundsInWindowCoords:NSRect = self.convertRect(self.bounds, toView: nil);
if (CGRectContainsPoint(tableBoundsInWindowCoords, p))
/* If clicked anywhere in the table cell view, only allow button areas to pass. */
/* subView is the NSTableCellView's last subview. */
var subView = tcv.subviews.last! as! NSView;
let subViewBoundsInWindowCoords:NSRect = subView.convertRect(subView.bounds, toView: nil);
/* Did the click occur on the subview part of the view? */
if (CGRectContainsPoint(subViewBoundsInWindowCoords, p))
/* Only allow button subviews to be clicked. */
if let button = subView as? NSButton
// Create a modified event, where the <location> property has been
// altered so that it looks like the click took place in the
// NSTableCellView itself.
let newLocation = tcv.convertPoint(tcv.bounds.origin, toView: nil);
e = theEvent.cloneEventButUseAdjustedWindowLocation(newLocation);
return e;
/* If we've reched here, the user clicked anywhere on the table but not one of the buttons. */
return nil;
return e;