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div .content
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<div class="content">
Using jQuery UI Resizable I'm trying to prevent resizing based on various rules.
The built-in containment feature doesn't seem to work properly with absolutely positioned
elements, and I would need something more flexible than that anyway. Having something
like this: Using jQuery UI Resizable I'm trying to prevent resizing based on various
rules. The built-in containment feature doesn't seem to work properly with absolutely
positioned elements, and I would need something more flexible than that anyway.
Having something like this: Using jQuery UI Resizable I'm trying to prevent resizing
based on various rules. The built-in containment feature doesn't seem to work properly
with absolutely positioned elements, and I would need something more flexible than
that anyway. Having something like this: Using jQuery UI Resizable I'm trying to
prevent resizing based on various rules. The built-in containment feature doesn't
seem to work properly with absolutely positioned elements, and I would need something
more flexible than that anyway. Having something like this: Using jQuery UI Resizable
I'm trying to prevent resizing based on various rules. The built-in containment
feature doesn't seem to work properly with absolutely positioned elements, and I
would need something more flexible than that anyway. Having something like this:
Using jQuery UI Resizable I'm trying to prevent resizing based on various rules.
The built-in containment feature doesn't seem to work properly with absolutely positioned
elements, and I would need something more flexible than that anyway. Having something
like this: Using jQuery UI Resizable I'm trying to prevent resizing based on various
rules. The built-in containment feature doesn't seem to work properly with absolutely
positioned elements, and I would need something more flexible than that anyway.
Having something like this: Using jQuery UI Resizable I'm trying to prevent resizing
based on various rules. The built-in containment feature doesn't seem to work properly
with absolutely positioned elements, and I would need something more flexible than
that anyway. Having something like this:
<div class="content">
Using jQuery UI Resizable I'm trying to prevent resizing based on various rules.
The built-in containment feature doesn't seem to work properly with absolutely positioned
elements, and I would need something more flexible than that anyway. Having something
like this:</p>
Using jQuery UI Resizable I'm trying to prevent resizing based on various rules.
The built-in containment feature doesn't seem to work properly with absolutely positioned
elements, and I would need something more flexible than that anyway. Having something
like this:</p>
<div class="content">
Using jQuery UI Resizable I'm trying to prevent resizing based on various rules.
The built-in containment feature doesn't seem to work properly with absolutely positioned
elements, and I would need something more flexible than that anyway. Having something
like this:</p>
<div class="content">
Using jQuery UI Resizable I'm trying to prevent resizing based on various rules.
The built-in containment feature doesn't seem to work properly with absolutely positioned
elements, and I would need something more flexible than that anyway. Having something
like this:</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
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// The accordion believes a panel is being opened
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// The accordion believes a panel is being closed
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var currContent = currHeader.next('.ui-accordion-content');
// Since we've changed the default behavior, this detects the actual status
var isPanelSelected = currHeader.attr('aria-selected') == 'true';
// Toggle the panel's header
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isPanelSelected).attr('aria-selected', ((!isPanelSelected).toString()));
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title: "jQuery Modal Dialog Popup",
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// //alert('end reached');
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// $(this).next('div.content').focus();
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上面的html显示了手风琴。 我需要做的是为整个手风琴内容提供一个滚动条,其工作方式如下: 当第一个div滚动到达结束时,第二个div将打开,在第二个div滚动完成时(如果没有滚动,那么同样的事情也将发生),第3个div将打开。 现在,这需要向下滚动,当用户向上滚动时也应如此。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
collapsible: true,
heightStyle: "content",
beforeActivate: function (event, ui) {
// The accordion believes a panel is being opened
var currHeader ;
var currContent;
if (ui.newHeader[0]) {
currHeader = ui.newHeader;
currContent = currHeader.next('.ui-accordion-content');
// The accordion believes a panel is being closed
} else {
currHeader = ui.oldHeader;
currContent = currHeader.next('.ui-accordion-content');
// Since we've changed the default behavior, this detects the actual status
var isPanelSelected = currHeader.attr('aria-selected') == 'true';
// Toggle the panel's header
currHeader.toggleClass('ui-corner-all', isPanelSelected).toggleClass('accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top', !
isPanelSelected).attr('aria-selected', ((!isPanelSelected).toString()));
// Toggle the panel's icon
currHeader.children('.ui-icon').toggleClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-e', isPanelSelected).toggleClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-s', !isPanelSelected);
// Toggle the panel's content
currContent.toggleClass('accordion-content-active', !isPanelSelected);
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return false; // Cancel the default action
$(document).ready(function () {
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title: "jQuery Modal Dialog Popup",
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// $(".content").css('max-height', ($("#container").height() - 250));
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// if ($(this).is(":focus")) {
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// var h3Height = $('h3').height();
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// $('div.content').each(function () {
// if ($(this).css('display') == 'block')
// $(this).css('max-height', ((parseInt($('#container').css('max-height')) / f) - (h3Height * (totalDiv + 1))));
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// $(".content").bind('scroll', function () {
// if ($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight) {
// //alert('end reached');
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// $(this).next('div.content').focus();
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x.prev('div.content').attr('display', 'block');
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//alert('end reached');
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// if ($('div.content').hasScrollBar()) {
// $(this).delegate(".content", "scroll", function () {
// if ($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight) {
// //alert('end reached');
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// $(this).next('div.content').focus();
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