C ++函数指针和继承

时间:2010-06-16 20:54:17

标签: c++ inheritance function-pointers

我有一个通用的数学方法,它在一组函数下运行(有很多变量和状态,所以它不能是静态的)。我在父类中实现了方法,我想在每个子类中声明一组不同的函数 我试着做这样的事情:

class A {
    typedef int (A::*func)();
    func * fs;
    void f() { /*call functions from this->fs*/ }

class B : public A {
    int smth;

    B(int smth) {
         this->smth = smth; //user-provided variables

        //there may be a lot of functions with same interface
        this->fs = new func[1];
        fs[0] = &B::f;

    int f() {
        return smth + 1;

失败并出现此错误: 错误C2440:'=':无法从'int(__thiscall B :: *)(void)'转换为'A :: func'

或者“IntelliSense:指向绑定函数的指针只能用于调用函数”,如果我尝试使用& this-> f;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


template<typename Derived>
class A {
    typedef int (Derived::*func)();
    func * fs;
    void f()
        Derived* const This = static_cast<Derived*>(this);
        /* call functions like (This->*(fs[0]))() */

class B : public A<B> {
    int smth;

    B(int smth) {
         this->smth = smth; //user-provided variables

        //there may be a lot of functions with same interface
        this->fs = new func[1];
        fs[0] = &B::f;

    int f() {
        return smth + 1;

答案 1 :(得分:1)


#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
#include <vector>

struct A
    virtual ~A(void) {}; // base classes should always have virtual destructors

    typedef std::vector<boost::function<int(void)> > function_array;
    function_array mFunctions;

struct B : A
    B(int pX) : mX(pX) // use initializer lists
        mFunctions.push_back(boost::lambda::bind(&B::foo, this));

    int foo(void)
        return mX + 1;

    int mX;

int main(void)
    B b(5);
    A& a(b);

    int x = a.mFunctions[0]();
    // x is 6

您的目标仍不明确。 (在上面,A作为基类并没有意义。为什么没有像get_functions这样的函数只返回一个所有设置并准备使用的函数数组,例如?)


struct A
    virtual ~A(void) {} // base classes should always have virtual destructors

    virtual int foo(void) const = 0;

struct B : A
    B(int pX) : mX(pX) {}

    int foo(void) const
        return mX + 1;

    int mX;

int main(void)
    B b(5);
    A* a = &b;

    int x = a->f(); // calls B::foo(), polymorphic behavior thanks to virtual
    // x is 6