code type model price
1 Hats 1298 700,00
1 Shoes 1232 600,00
1 Pants 1276 400,00
2 Hats 1321 970,00
2 Shoes 1121 850,00
2 Pants 1433 270,00
3 Hats 1750 1200,00
3 Shoes 1233 600,00
3 Pants 1434 290,00
4 Hats 1298 1050,00
4 Shoes 1121 850,00
4 Pants 1401 150,00
5 Hats 1752 1150,00
5 Shoes 1121 850,00
5 Pants 1408 270,00
6 Hats 1298 950,00
6 Shoes 1233 950,00
6 Pants 1288 400,00
7 Shoes 1232 400,00
8 Shoes 1232 350,00
9 Shoes 1232 350,00
10 Shoes 1260 350,00
11 Shoes 1233 980,00
12 Shoes 1233 970,00
code type model price
1 Hats 1298 700,00
1 Shoes 1232 600,00
1 Pants 1276 400,00
6 Hats 1298 950,00
12 Shoes 1233 970,00
6 Pants 1288 400,00
2 Hats 1321 970,00
2 Shoes 1121 850,00
2 Pants 1433 270,00
5 Hats 1752 1150,00
11 Shoes 1233 980,00
5 Pants 1408 270,00
3 Hats 1750 1200,00
3 Shoes 1233 600,00
3 Pants 1434 290,00
4 Hats 1298 1050,00
10 Shoes 1260 350,00
4 Pants 1401 150,00
4 Shoes 1121 850,00
9 Shoes 1232 350,00
5 Shoes 1121 850,00
8 Shoes 1232 350,00
6 Shoes 1233 950,00
7 Shoes 1232 400,00
with cteasc as
ROW_NUMBER() over(order by code,charindex(type, 'HatsShoesPants'))id
,(ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by type order by code,charindex(type, 'HatsShoesPants')) + 1) / 2 offsetasc
from mydata
ctedsc as
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by type order by code desc)id
from cteasc
select t1.id
when t1.code%2=1
then LAG(t1.type,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.type)over(partition by t1.type order by t1.id)
else LAG(t2.type,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.type)over(partition by t1.type order by t1.id)
end type
when t1.code%2=1
then LAG(t1.model,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.model)over(partition by t1.type order by t1.id)
else LAG(t2.model,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.model)over(partition by t1.type order by t1.id)
end model
when t1.code%2=1
then LAG(t1.price,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.price)over(partition by t1.type order by t1.id)
else LAG(t2.price,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.price)over(partition by t1.type order by t1.id)
end price
cteasc t1
join ctedsc t2
on t1.code = t2.id
and t1.type = t2.type
答案 0 :(得分:1)
然后,我们只需要UNION ALL
with ascItems as (
select *, row_number() over (order by someCol ASC) r * 2 - 1 as r from T
, descItems as (
select *, row_number() over (order by someCol DESC) r * 2 as r from T
select * from ascItems
union all
select * from descItems
order by r
这应该要求表T可以排序两次(通过索引或2xsorting)。 UNION ALL