
时间:2015-05-31 22:46:52

标签: java arrays methods

刚刚开始学习Java 2,自从我学习Java 1并完成大量编程以来已经有6到7个月的时间了,所以如果我做了一些愚蠢的话,请好心。





public long removeMax(PrintWriter pw) 
    long maxIndex;
    maxIndex = getMax();
    return maxIndex;


但是maxIndex = getMax();并删除(maxIndex);给我错误,我不太清楚为什么。虽然我确信我只是因为编程生锈而犯了一个小错误。



public class Employee
    protected int empNo;            // employee number
    protected String ssno;          // social security number
    protected String lastName;     // Last name
    protected String firstName; // First name

    //This constructor initializes the variables

public Employee(int eNo, String ssn, String lName, String fName) 
    // aliases are used in the function header
    empNo = eNo;    // the alias is assigned to the actual value
    ssno = ssn;
    lastName = lName;
    firstName = fName;

// Make a no argument constructor as well

public Employee() 
    empNo = 0;  
    ssno = "";
    lastName = "";
    firstName = "";

    The copy constructor initializes the object 
    as a copy of another Employee object
    @param object2 The object to copy

public Employee(Employee object2)
    empNo = object2.empNo;
    ssno = object2.ssno;
    lastName = object2.lastName;
    firstName = object2.firstName;

// The set method sets a value for each field

public void set(int eNo, String ssn, String lName, String fName)
// aliases are used in the function header
    empNo = eNo;    // the alias is assigned to the actual value
    ssno = ssn;
    lastName = lName;
    firstName = fName;

// the getKey method returns the employee number

public int getKey()
    { return empNo; }

   // the setKey method sets the employee number
   public void setKey(int id)
  { empNo = id; }

// toString method
// returns a string containing the instructor information

public String toString()
    // Create a string representing the object.
    String str = "Employee Number: " + empNo +
                     "\nSocial Security Number: " + ssno +
                     "\nLast Name: " + lastName +
                     "\nFirst Name: " + firstName;
// Return the string;
return str;


import java.io.*;

class HighArrayObject
    protected Employee[] emp;
    protected int nElems;

public HighArrayObject(int max) // constructor
    emp = new Employee[max];
    nElems = 0;

// The createEmployees method creates an Employee object
// for each element of the array

public static void createEmployees(Employee[] emp, int maxsize)
    int empNo;
    String ssno;
    String lastName;
    String firstName;

    // Create the employees
    for(int index = 0; index < emp.length; index++)
    // Get the employee data

        emp[index] = new Employee();

public boolean find(long searchKey, PrintWriter pw)
    System.out.println("Trying to find item with employee number " + searchKey);
    pw.println("Trying to find item with employee number " + searchKey);

    int j;
    for(j=0; j<nElems; j++)
        if(emp[j].empNo == searchKey)       // == ok since empNo is a primative
            break;                          // exit loop before end
        if(j == nElems)                 // gone to end?
            return false;
            return true;                    // no, found it
}  // end find()

public void insert(int eNo, String sNo, String lName, String fName, PrintWriter pw)
    System.out.println("Inserting employee with employee number " + eNo);
    pw.println("Inserting employee with employee number " + eNo);

    Employee temp = new Employee();
    temp.empNo = eNo;
    temp.ssno = sNo;
    temp.lastName = lName;
    temp.firstName = fName;
    emp[nElems] = temp;

public boolean delete(long value, PrintWriter pw)
    System.out.println("Deleting employee number " + value);
    pw.println("Deleting employee number " + value);

    int j;
    for(j=0; j < nElems; j++)               // look for it
        if(value == emp[j].empNo)
            break;                              // can't find it
            return false;
        else                                        // found it
            for(int k=j; k<nElems; k++) // move higher ones down
        nElems--;                               // decrement size
        return true;
} // end delete

public void display(PrintWriter pw)
    System.out.println("The array of employees is: ");
    pw.println("The array of employees is: ");

    for(int j=0; j<nElems; j++)
        System.out.println(emp[j].empNo + " " + emp[j].ssno + " "
         + emp[j].lastName + " " + emp[j].firstName);

         pw.println(emp[j].empNo + " " + emp[j].ssno + " "
         + emp[j].lastName + " " + emp[j].firstName);

    }   // end for
} // end delete
} // end HighArrayObject


import java.io.*;

public class Project21Rev extends HighArrayObject       //reference Gaddis p.658
    public Project21Rev(int max)        // subclass constructor
    super(max);                     // call superclass constructor

public void getMax(PrintWriter pw)  // new functionality as required by the assignment
   int maxIndex = -1;  // not found yet

if(nElems == 0)
    System.out.println("Number of elements is 0");
    int max = emp[0].empNo;  // assume the first value is the largest
     maxIndex = 0;

    for (int i = 1; i < nElems; i++)  //now check the rest of the values for largest
        if(emp[i].empNo > max)
           maxIndex = i;
     System.out.println("The largest value is " + emp[maxIndex].empNo + " " + emp[maxIndex].ssno + " " + emp[maxIndex].lastName + " " + emp[maxIndex].firstName);
       pw.println("The largest value is " + emp[maxIndex].empNo + " " + emp[maxIndex].ssno + " " + emp[maxIndex].lastName + " " + emp[maxIndex].firstName);
     System.out.println("at location " + maxIndex);
     pw.println("at location " + maxIndex);

     public long removeMax(PrintWriter pw) 
    long maxIndex;
    maxIndex = getMax();
    return maxIndex;


// modified find method follows   
   public void find( int searchKey, PrintWriter pw)
  System.out.println("Trying to find item with employee number " + searchKey);
  pw.println("Trying to find item with employee number " + searchKey);

  int j;
  Boolean found = false;
  for(j=0; j < nElems; j++)
     if(emp[j].empNo == searchKey)
        found = true;
        System.out.println("Found " + emp[j].empNo + " " + emp[j].ssno + " " + emp[j].lastName + " " + emp[j].firstName);
        pw.println("Found " + emp[j].empNo + " " + emp[j].ssno + " " + emp[j].lastName + " " + emp[j].firstName);
        System.out.println("at location " + j);
        pw.println("at location " + j);
     if(found == false)
        System.out.println(searchKey + " Not found");
        pw.println(searchKey + " Not found");

class Project21RevApp
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
    // set up printer output file
  PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter
       (new FileWriter("output21.dat")));

  int maxSize = 100;            // array size
  Project21Rev arr;                // reference to array
  arr = new Project21Rev(maxSize); // create the array


  arr.display(pw);                // display items

  int searchKey = 35;           // search for item
  arr.find(searchKey, pw);              
    searchKey = 22;           // search for item
  arr.find(searchKey, pw);

  arr.delete(00, pw);               // delete 3 items
  arr.delete(55, pw);
  arr.delete(99, pw);

  arr.display(pw);                // display items again

  // new functionality follows  


   }  // end main()
}  // end class Project21RevApp

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



public boolean delete(long value, PrintWriter pw) {
    // ...




答案 1 :(得分:0)


public void getMax(PrintWriter pw){..}

maxIndex = getMax();


public long removeMax(PrintWriter pw) 

你看到该方法应该接收这样的变量/对象,它将是&#34; pw&#34;。 因此,调用方法的正确方法是



另一个大问题是你在谈论LIST (abstract data type),但在我看到的代码中

protected Employee[] emp;

女巫根本不是list,只是一个简单的Array。有一个很大的不同。如果要求是你有一个实际的java /编程列表,那么程序中没有这样的东西。它只是一个看起来像一般事物列表的数组,但在大多数编程语言中称为数组。也许你的老师没有任何区别。
