
时间:2015-05-29 12:52:38

标签: html css





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			    <tr class="tbody_prop">
				<td>Coxa c/ sobrecoxa s/ osso s/ pele</td>
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1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


在此行var taskArray = [{ id: 247, value: "Pin Lot" }, { id: 249, value: "Excavate" }, { id: 245, value: "Water & Sewer Installed" }, { id: 246, value: "Pin Footings" }, { id: 248, value: "Footings" }, { id: 251, value: "Footing Inspection & Pour" }, { id: 250, value: "Foundation Walls" }, { id: 252, value: "Basement Backfill" }, { id: 253, value: "Steel Beams" }, { id: 254, value: "Framing and Exterior" }, { id: 254, value: "Framing" }, { id: 300, value: "Brick Received" }, { id: 255, value: "Roof Ply" }, { id: 258, value: "Windows Install" }, { id: 259, value: "Heating R/I" }, { id: 261, value: "Plumbing R/I" }, { id: 256, value: "Shingle Roof (Upper)" }, { id: 276, value: "Pour Basement Floors" }, { id: 257, value: "Stairs Install" }, { id: 310, value: "Back-Framing" }, { id: 260, value: "Electrical R/I" }, { id: 265, value: "Kitchen Measure" }, { id: 262, value: "Alarm/Vac/Cable/Phone R/I" }, { id: 311, value: "Frame Check" }, { id: 322, value: "Frame Pass" }, { id: 289, value: "Exterior Brick Work" }, { id: 290, value: "Exterior Siding" }, { id: 317, value: "Shingle Roof (Lower)" }, { id: 209, value: "Drywall" }, { id: 307, value: "Furnace & Ductwork" }, { id: 266, value: "Insulation" }, { id: 277, value: "Insulation Inspection" }, { id: 263, value: "Hydro Meter" }, { id: 309, value: "Gas Meter" }, { id: 267, value: "Drywall Walls/Ceilings" }, { id: 268, value: "Taping" }, { id: 270, value: "Prime" }, { id: 273, value: "Install Railings and Nosing" }, { id: 274, value: "Install Ceramics" }, { id: 278, value: "Install Trim" }, { id: 308, value: "Drywall Check" }, { id: 324, value: "1st Finish Tech Inspection" }, { id: 323, value: "Paint Interior" }, { id: 280, value: "Paint Exterior" }, { id: 279, value: "Install Kitchen" }, { id: 326, value: "Back-Trim" }, { id: 281, value: "Complete Electrical" }, { id: 282, value: "Complete Heating" }, { id: 284, value: "Complete Cable/Phone" }, { id: 283, value: "Complete Plumbing" }, { id: 327, value: "Occupancy Inspection" }, { id: 288, value: "Install Carpet" }, { id: 325, value: "2nd Finish Tech Inspection" }, { id: 328, value: "Paint Touch-up" }, { id: 330, value: "QA Inspection" }, { id: 329, value: "1st Clean" }, { id: 298, value: "PDI" }, { id: 316, value: "PDI Deficiencies" }, { id: 331, value: "2nd Clean" }]; console.log(taskArray[0].id, taskArray[0].value);


