
时间:2015-05-28 13:28:34

标签: wordpress woocommerce

WooCommerce -> Settings -> EmailS ->前两个选项"FROM: Name, FROM: Email"是发件人的电子邮件和名称。下订单时,会通过相同的发件人电子邮件和姓名(我们从管理信息中心设置)向商店经理和客户发送通知电子邮件。

Customer回复该电子邮件时,他基本上会回复Shop Manager并且工作正常。

Shop Manager收到来自其(给定)电子邮件地址的通知电子邮件,实际上会有客户的电子邮件。



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我能想到实现这一目标的唯一方法是使用其中一个系统操作挂钩以编程方式生成Shop Manager通知电子邮件。由于“from”设置中只有一个字段,因此将对所有出站消息使用(默认情况下)。

也就是说,请查看https://wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/处的Code Snippets插件。您可以在此处放置一些代码(并将其保存到数据库中,并在运行时包含系统代码),这可能会在生成新订单时生成此程序化电子邮件。


答案 1 :(得分:1)


//filter for the "mail from" email address which is set in WooCommerce Settings Email Tab-> Email Sender Options -> "From" Email Address which is generally set to the shop admin email address or a support team email address.
add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'wdm_sent_from_email', 99, 1);

//function which will change the mail from email address to the the Customer's billing address if the mail this filter is running which sending mail to the admin.
function wdm_sent_from_email( $sent_from = '' ) {
    //check whether our custom parameter is set or not.
    if ( isset($_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin']) ) {

    //check whether the mail is sent to the admin and other recieptent other than customer
    if ( $_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin'] ) {
        //set it to the customer's billing email
        $sent_from = $_POST['billing_email'];

        //set this parameter back to false
        $_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin'] == false;
    return $sent_from;

//filter for email from name
add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'wdm_sent_from_name', 99, 1);

function wdm_sent_from_name( $sent_from_name = '' ) {
    //check whether our custom parameter is set or not.
    if ( isset($_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin_from_name']) ) {

    //check whether the mail is sent to the admin and other recieptent other than customer
    if ( $_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin_from_name'] ) {

        //set sent mail from name eg. "Website-Name customer"
        $sent_from_name              = wp_specialchars_decode(esc_html(get_option('woocommerce_email_from_name')), ENT_QUOTES) . " customer";

        //set this parameter back to false
        $_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin_from_name']    = false;
    return $sent_from_name;

//action were we will set and the parameter to indicate whether the mail is sent to admin or customers.
add_action('woocommerce_email_header', 'wdm_header_function', 99, 1);

function wdm_header_function( $email_heading ) {

    if ( $email_heading == 'New customer order' ) {

    //parameter to indicate whether to change the from email in the mail.
    $_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin'] = true;

    //parameter to indicate whether to change the from name in the mail.
    $_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin_from_name'] = true;

    //Just to indicate in mail sent to admin that the sent from email is set in code.
    echo "<b>Its Because you have chosen to have this email sent from Customer's Email id.</b>";
    } else {

    //parameter to indicate whether to change the from email in the mail.
    $_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin'] = false;

    //parameter to indicate whether to change the from name in the mail.
    $_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin_from_name'] = false;



答案 2 :(得分:0)


// Function to change email address

function wpb_sender_email( $original_email_address ) {
    return 'tim.smith@example.com';

// Function to change sender name
function wpb_sender_name( $original_email_from ) {
    return 'Tim Smith';

// Hooking up our functions to WordPress filters 
add_filter( 'wp_mail_from', 'wpb_sender_email' );
add_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name', 'wpb_sender_name' );