我试图在photoshop上创建一个支持每个运行Android的设备的启动画面。我一直在浏览博客和Android网站,我发现你需要在dp中设计你的资产,但我不明白这意味着什么。我理解dp的概念,但我不明白如何在photoshop上应用它。我知道相当于dp是像素/(dpi / 160),但是我不确定我应该为每个不同尺寸(ldpi,mdpi,hdpi,xdpi,xxdpi)使用的尺寸(像素) ...)。因此,如果有人能让我知道我的启动画面的尺寸以及分辨率,我真的很感激。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
ldpi = 320 x 426
mdpi = 320 X 470
hdpi = 480 x 640
xhdpi = 720 x 960
xxhdpi = 1080 X 1440
答案 1 :(得分:0)
function averageOfThreeScores() {
var student1;
var student2;
var student3;
var end;
do {
student1 = prompt("What are the scorces of students 1?");
student2 = prompt("What are the scorces of students 2?");
student3 = prompt("What are the scorces of students 3?");
end = prompt("Would you like to end, type yes to end.");
var average = (student1 + student2 + student3) / 3;
if (average <= 59) {
document.write(average + " Your score is F <br/>");
} else if (average <= 69) {
document.write(average + " Your score is D <br/>");
} else if (average <= 79) {
document.write(average + " Your score is C <br/>");
} else if (average <= 95) {
document.write(average + "That's a great score <br/>");
} else if (average <= 100) {
document.write(average + "God like </br>");
} else {
document.write(average + " End <br/>");
while (end != "yes");