ArrayLists - 加在一起

时间:2015-05-27 21:15:42

标签: arrays arraylist merge


package javaapplication1;
public class JavaApplication1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Stack stack = new Stack();
    stack.push(new Person("jeffery", "1866"));
    stack.push(new Person("rachel", "1221"));
    stack.push(new Person("amy", "2390"));
    stack.push(new Person("tom", "1943"));
    stack.push(new Person("jimbo", "11199"));
    stack.push(new Person("anna", "1250"));
    stack.push(new Person("tammy", "1800"));
    stack.push(new Person("john", "1120"));

    Stack stack2 = new Stack();
    stack2.push(new Person("jillian", "1866"));
    stack2.push(new Person("jentry", "1221"));
    stack2.push(new Person("america", "2390"));
    stack2.push(new Person("timmy", "1943"));
    stack2.push(new Person("bacon", "11199"));
    stack2.push(new Person("laura", "1250"));
    stack2.push(new Person("angus", "1800"));
    stack2.push(new Person("jimmy", "1120"));

    Stack stack3 = new Stack();
    stack3.push(new Person(stack , stack2));
    System.out.println(stack, stack2);



package javaapplication1;

import java.util.*;

public class Stack<E> {

private ArrayList<E> head;

public Stack() {
    head = new ArrayList<E>();

public Stack(int initialCapacity) {
//constructor... creates intitial stack
    head = new ArrayList<E>(initialCapacity);

public void push(E x) {

public E pop() {
    if (empty()) {
        return null;
    return head.remove(head.size() - 1);

public boolean empty() {
    return head.isEmpty();

public int size() {
    return head.size();

public E peek() {
    if (empty()) {
        return null;
    return head.get(head.size());

public void PrintAndEmpty() {
    while (!this.empty()) {


 package javaapplication1;

public class Person {

private String name;
private String identification;

public Person() {
    name = "";
    identification = "";

public Person(String n, String idNum) {
    name = n;
    identification = idNum;

public String getName() {
    return name;

public String getID() {
    return identification;

public void setName(String n) {
    name = n;

public void setID(String idNum) {
    identification = idNum;

public boolean equals(Object o) // name and id are the same
    return ((((Person) o).name).equals(name)
            && (((Person) o).identification).equals(identification));

public String toString() {
return "Person{ + name  + identification   + '}';


public static ArrayList merge(stack,stack2){

 Stack merged = new Stack();      
enter code here

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