<div class="lawchar">
<div class="gradient2">
<div class='drag-handle'><div class="circle"></div></div>
<p>God's Law</p>
<p id = "gods-character-text">God's Character</p>
<div id="hash-mark-1">
<div id="hash-mark-2">
<div id="hash-mark-3">
<div id="hash-mark-4">
<p class="animate-text_1">Test Text 1</p>
<p class="right-animate-text_1">Right Test Text 1</p>
<p class="animate-text_2">Test Text 2</p>
<p class="right-animate-text_2">Right Test Text 2</p>
<p class="animate-text_3">Test Text 3</p>
<p class="right-animate-text_3">Right Test Text 3</p>
<p class="animate-text_4">Test Text 4</p>
<p class="right-animate-text_4">Right Test Text 4</p>
$(document).ready( function() {
var drag = $('.circle');
//count is used for the text classes
var count = 1;
//used for the drag circle to be snapped to
var height = 195;
var draggable = $('.circle').draggabilly({
axis: 'y',
containment: '.gradient2',
scroll: false
//using this function to check the position of the dragger
$(drag).on('dragStart', function() {
//disallows scrolling when animation in use
$(".animate-text_"+count).velocity({opacity: [1, 0]}, 525)
$(".right-animate-text_"+count).velocity({opacity: [1, 0]}, 525)
$(drag).on('dragEnd', function(){
var prevTop = drag.offSet().top;
console.log("prevTop " + prevTop)
top: height + 'px'
//basically resets the entire animations
console.log("drag.position.top " + drag.position().top);
if (drag.position().top >= prevTop){
height += 110;
prevTop = drag.position().top;
} else {
height -= 100;
prevTop = drag.position().top;