触摸事件未使用Flash CC注册HTML5 Canvas创作

时间:2015-05-26 15:09:47

标签: javascript html5 flash canvas createjs

在Flash CC中编写HTML 5 Canvas时,我遇到了一些问题,主要原因是缺乏在Flash中编写JavaScript的信息。

我一直在将现有的拖放功能转换为HTML 5,希望能够兼容iOS和Android。它已经在使用鼠标功能,但我试图添加触摸支持时遇到了障碍。



MainStage = this;//Declare 

//Actual Drag and Dropping

// Initialize:
var numPieces = 5;//<---------------Place number of pieces HERE---------------
var homePosX = [];
var homePosY = [];
var correctAns = 0;
var isClickableAry = [];
var whoAmI = [];//Declared "Globally" so that I can identify which piece is being grabbed later

for (var i = 0; i < numPieces; i++)
    var pieceName = "p" + (i + 1);
    var piece = this[pieceName];
    //This sets the starting position for each piece    
    homePosX[i+1] = piece.x;//(i+1) is so that Piece names line up with Target names and MC names
    homePosY[i+1] = piece.y;
    whoAmI[i] = piece;
    isClickableAry[i] = 1;//Makes it so each pieces is set as clickable

if( piece ){
    piece.name = pieceName;
    piece.on("mousedown" || "touchstart", function(evt)
//Rather than adding and removing event listeners, just check to see if piece is clickable
    if(isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] == 1){

        this.parent.addChild(this);// Bump to top
        this.offset = {x:this.x - evt.stageX, y:this.y - evt.stageY};
        console.log(piece + "PICKED UP, X " + piece.x + ", Y " + piece.y + " is Clickable? ");
        //Set Home Coordinates (Where it was picked up)
        homeX = this.x;
        homeY = this.y;

        console.log("touch moved! " + touchobj);


piece.on("pressmove", function(evt)
    if(isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] == 1){
        this.x = evt.stageX + this.offset.x;
        this.y = evt.stageY + this.offset.y;

        //Mouse Cursor change
piece.on("pressup" || "touchend" || "touchcancel", function(evt)
    var target = this.parent["t"+this.name.substr(1)];
    //Reset Cursor

    if( target && hitTestInRange( target, 60) && isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] == 1 ){
        this.x = target.x;
        this.y = target.y;
        //If it is correct add one
        //Make that button Unclickable
        isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] = 0;

        if(correctAns >= numPieces){

            //If they have answered correctly equal to the the number of pieces
            MainStage.complete_mc.parent.addChild(MainStage.complete_mc);//Bump to top
            //reset answer counter and make drag pieces and buttons unclickable
            correctAns = 0;
            console.log(correctAns + "CORRECT!";)

            //Return to home Coordinates (Where it was on intialization)
            if(isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] == 1){
                this.x = homePosX[checkPiece(this)+1];
                this.y = homePosY[checkPiece(this)+1];
    piece.on("mouseover", function(evt)
        if(isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] == 1){
            //Makes cursor a pointer finger

        //sets cursor back to normal

function hitTestInRange( target, range )
if( target.x > stage.mouseX - range &&
target.x < stage.mouseX + range &&
target.y > stage.mouseY - range &&
target.y < stage.mouseY + range )
return true;
return false;
//Check which piece it is
function checkPiece(checkName)
for (var i = 0; i < numPieces; i++)
    if (checkName == whoAmI[i]){
    return i;

//Reset Functionality

this.complete_mc.reset_btn.addEventListener("click", resetPos.bind(this));

function resetPos(){
for (var i = 0; i < numPieces; i++)
        var pieceName = "p" + (i + 1);
        var piece = this[pieceName];
        correctAns = 0;
        //Makes Pieces Grabable again
        isClickableAry[i] = 1;          
        //This returns each piece to their Original Starting Positions          
        piece.x = homePosX[i+1];
        piece.y = homePosY[i+1];

//Controlling the Pop Up Window, window pops up when user answers everything correctly 
this.complete_mc.exitComplete_btn.addEventListener("click", closePopUp.bind(this));
this.complete_mc.exitComplete_btn_alt. addEventListener("click", closePopUp.bind(this));

function closePopUp(){



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

事实证明,添加触控支持非常容易。我失踪的只是一行代码 createjs.Touch.enable(stage); 这使得所有触摸事件都作为鼠标事件响应。并解决了我的所有问题。