
时间:2015-05-26 13:49:27

标签: f#


let mutable guess = Console.ReadLine() |> System.Int32.Parse





open System

printfn "Guess the number"

let secretNum = System.Random().Next(1,101)

let mutable continueLooping = true 

while continueLooping do

    printfn "Please input your guess."

    let mutable input = Console.ReadLine() 

    let result =
        match Int32.TryParse input with
        | (true, result) -> Some(result) 
        | (false, _) -> printfn "Please input a number!"; None

    let guess = Option.get result

    printfn "You guessed: %A" guess

    if guess < secretNum then printfn "Too small!"
    else if guess > secretNum then printfn "Too big!"
    else do 
        printfn "You win!" 
        continueLooping <- false

let main argv = 
    printfn "%A" argv
    0 // return an integer exit code


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


match System.Int32.TryParse input with
| (true, number) -> ...
| (false, _)     -> ....



F# Interactive for F# 3.1 (Open Source Edition)
Freely distributed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License

For help type #help;;

> let tryInt input = match System.Int32.TryParse input with | (true, number) -> Some number | _ -> None;;

val tryInt : input:string -> int option

> tryInt "55";;
val it : int option = Some 55
> tryInt "no";;
val it : int option = None



let rec queryAnInt () =
    printf "please input an integer " 
    let input = System.Console.ReadLine()
    match System.Int32.TryParse input with
    | (true, number) -> number
    | _              -> printfn "sorry - you did not enter an integer"
                        queryAnInt ()

现在queryAnInt ()会询问用户一个整数,直到他给出一个并返回它(没有Option你似乎有问题)



  • 首先是显而易见的事情:您已将所有内容编入模块,当您真的希望在main方法和函数中使用它时,这将使您进入问题很快

  • 您将猜测与result匹配为Option只会将您获得的所有内容放在下一行Option.get result中,这会在{{1}时抛出错误} {是result(当用户没有输入数字时) - 这是您真正的问题

  • 你使用全局可变变量和命令循环 - 两者都是功能代码气味



通过这种方式,你可以很容易地说出只有一定数量的重试(只需更改open System let rec queryGuess () = printf "please input your guess " let input = Console.ReadLine() match System.Int32.TryParse input with | (true, number) when number >= 1 && number <= 100 -> number | _ -> printfn "sorry - please enter a number between 1 and 100" queryGuess () let rec guess secret nrTriesLeft = if nrTriesLeft = 0 then printfn "Sorry you lost" else match queryGuess () with | g when g < secret -> printfn "Too small!" guess secret (nrTriesLeft - 1) | g when g > secret -> printfn "Too big!" guess secret (nrTriesLeft - 1) | g when g = secret -> printfn "You win!" | _ -> failwith "impossible case" let game () = printfn "Guess my secret number - it's between 1 and 100" let secretNum = System.Random().Next(1,101) guess secretNum 7 // 7 tries should always be enough - bonus question: why? [<EntryPoint>] let main _ = game () 0 功能 - 你应该试一试!


答案 1 :(得分:2)


let parsed, guess = Console.ReadLine() |> System.Int32.TryParse
if parsed then ... else ...

答案 2 :(得分:0)


open System

printfn "Guess the number"
let secretNum = System.Random().Next(1,101)

let mutable continueLooping = true 

while continueLooping do

    printfn "Please input your guess."

    let mutable input = Console.ReadLine() 

    let result =
        match Int32.TryParse input with
        | (true, result) -> Some(result) 
        | (false, _) -> None

    match result with
        |Some guess -> printfn "You guessed: %A" guess
                       if guess < secretNum then printfn "Too small!"
                       else if guess > secretNum then printfn "Too big!"
                       else do 
                          printfn "You win!" 
                          continueLooping <- false
        |None -> printfn "Your guess is not a valid number!"

let main argv = 
    printfn "%A" argv
    0 // return an integer exit code