import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import os
print "If at any point you wish to quit the program hit Ctrl + C"
filetype = raw_input("What kind of file would you like to convert? Audio, Image, Video or Document: ")
if filetype == "Document":
path = raw_input("Please drag and drop the directory in which the file is stored into the terminal:")
filename = raw_input("Please enter the name of the file you would like to convert, including the file-type. e.g. test.txt, however please do make sure that the file-name does not have any spaces:")
Fileextension = raw_input("What filetype would you like the program to convert your file to. E.g. .txt: ")
from subprocess import check_call
check_call(["unoconv " ,"-f ", Fileextension , + filename])
elif filetype == "Audio":
path = raw_input("Please drag and drop the directory in which the file is stored into the terminal:")
filename = raw_input("Please enter the name of the file you would like to convert, including the file-type. e.g. test.txt, however please do make sure that the file-name does not have any spaces:")
Fileextension = raw_input("What filetype would you like the program to convert your file to. E.g. .mp3: ")
body, ext = os.path.splitext("filename")
check_call(["ffmpeg" ,"-i", filename , + body + Fileextension])
elif filetype == "Video":
path = raw_input("Please drag and drop the directory in which the file is stored into the terminal:")
filename = raw_input("Please enter the name of the file you would like to convert, including the file-type. e.g. test.txt, however please do make sure that the file-name does not have any spaces:")
Fileextension = raw_input("What filetype would you like the program to convert your file to. E.g. .mp4: ")
body, ext = os.path.splitext("filename")
from subprocess import check_call
check_call(["ffmpeg" ,"-i", filename , + body + Fileextension])
elif filetype == "Image":
path = raw_input("Please drag and drop the directory in which the file is stored into the terminal:")
filename = raw_input("Please enter the name of the file you would like to convert, including the file-type. e.g. test.txt, however please do make sure that the file-name does not have any spaces:")
Fileextension = raw_input("What filetype would you like the program to convert your file to. E.g. .Jpeg: ")
body, ext = os.path.splitext("filename")
from subprocess import check_call
check_call(["ffmpeg" ,"-i", filename , + body + Fileextension])
File "conversion.py", line 15, in <module>
check_call(["unoconv " ,"-f ", Fileextension , + filename])
TypeError: bad operand type for unary +: 'str'
答案 0 :(得分:1)
subprocess.check_call(['unoconv', '-f', Fileextension, filename])
请注意,我也摆脱了&#34; unoconv&#34;因为否则它会将该空格作为可执行文件名的一部分。
时,每个列表元素都被视为进程的参数(这是第一个列表元素)。因此,如果您要运行unoconv -f file.ext
的列表将成为3个元素列表:['unoconv', '-f', '.txt', 'file.ext']