Python - (2006,'MySQL服务器已经消失')

时间:2015-05-26 08:08:25

标签: python mysql

我很熟悉这个错误,因此我将-- create the temporary table CREATE TABLE #CSVData ( IdValue int ) -- create a clustered index for this table (Note: this doesn't need to be unique) CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_CSVData on #CSVData (IdValue ) -- insert the csv data to the table BULK INSERT #CSVData FROM 'c:\csvData.txt' WITH ( ROWTERMINATOR = ',' ) -- select the data SELECT T.* FROM table_name T INNER JOIN #CSVData ON(T.uId = IdValue) -- cleanup (the index will be dropped with the table) DROP TABLE #CSVData interactive_timeout增加到X秒。因此,每当MySQL空闲超过X秒时,它就会重新连接(根据我的代码)。



from filename import getconnection, DButil

CONNECTION = getconnection()

def user():
        global CONNECTION
        if CONNECTION is None:
            CONNECTION = getconnection()
    except Exception,e:
        print e

    dbutil = DButil(CONNECTION)

    except Exception,e:
        print e

我得到的是连接正在进行并且是打开的,但当我CONNECTION = None def getconnection(recreate=True, db_name='db_name'): ''' Get a connection, if not available, make it ''' global CONNECTION if recreate or CONNECTION is None: if db_name == 'db_name': CONNECTION = makeconnection() return CONNECTION class DButil(object): '''Low level utiliity arrond db ''' def __init__(self, _connection): self.connection = _connection def data_exist(self,data_exist_query): with self.connection: print self.connection # <_mysql.connection open to '' at 1a587b0> cur = self.connection.cursor() print cur # <MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor object at 0x1a22710> cur cur.execute(data_exist_query) rows = cur.fetchall() print rows # (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away') if len(rows) >= 1 : return True else : return False 时,它会抛出rows = cur.fetchall()。为什么会出现这种行为?

当我重新连接时,即执行(2006, 'MySQL server has gone away'),它可以正常工作,MySQL连接再次建立。因为,当服务器空闲超过X秒时,我也再次创建了连接,但仍然会抛出错误。为什么?

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