How can I send info from an arduino to server running on meteor

时间:2015-05-24 20:35:28

标签: javascript mongodb meteor arduino

I am trying to send some very simple data from an arduino with an ethernet shield to my meteor app and enter it into a mongodb collection. With what I came up with so far, I can add info into a collection with this iron-router route in the server when I enter the path into the browser:

this.route('enter', {
    path: '/enter/:_id',
    data: function (){
      _id  = this.params._id;
      return'addMessage', _id);

I figured if I sent a simple GET request from the arduino with the data put into the path like "", that this would work even if there wasn't any GET info in the message but I'm probably wrong about that. Here is my request code for the arduino:

void connectToServer() {
  // attempt to connect, and wait a millisecond:
  Serial.println("connecting to server...");
  if (client.connect(serverName, 80)) { // serverName is ""
    Serial.println("making HTTP request...");
    // make HTTP GET request to the server:
    client.println("GET /enter/message-from-arduino HTTP/1.1");
  // note the time of this connect attempt:
  lastAttemptTime = millis();

I get the message in the serial monitor that it is making the request but nothing changes in my mongodb collection on that server.

  1. Is there something I need to do differently in my meteor app? I know it would be better if I sent it as an actual GET or POST request but I can't figure out how to process the data in meteor.

  2. Does anyone know if there is better way that I should be sending the data to my meteor app with?

Sorry if this was confusing or if this is a dumb way to do this but I'd like to use meteor for this app if possible!

Thanks in advance for any answers or feedback!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

For connectables, I run a net server inside Meteor that can accept raw TCP packets from just about anything.

For arduino specific stuff, check out johnny-five and this repo for some good stuff:
