
时间:2015-05-24 18:18:24

标签: security passwords applescript



我知道它很长但是......你明白了。 (右?)


set thetext to "asdf"
set alpha to {"a", "b"}
if thetext contains alpha then
    say "yes"
    say "no"
end if


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



set theText to "asdf"

set theAlphabet to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
set theNumbers to "0123456789"

set containsAlpha to false
set containsNumber to false
set containsSomethingElse to false

repeat with theCharacter in theText
    if theAlphabet contains theCharacter then
        set containsAlpha to true
    else if theNumbers contains theCharacter then
        set containsNumber to true
        set containsSomethingElse to true
    end if
end repeat

if containsAlpha and (containsNumber or containsSomethingElse) then
    if containsNumber and containsSomethingElse then
        say "The text contains a mix of letters, numbers, and something else."
    else if containsNumber then
        say "The text contains a mix of letters and numbers."
        say "The text contains a mix of letters and something non-numeric."
    end if
else if containsAlpha then
    say "The text contains only characters from the ASCII alphabet."
else if containsNumber and containsSomethingElse then
    say "The text contains a mix of numbers and something non-alphabetic."
else if containsNumber then
    say "The text contains only numbers."
else if containsSomethingElse then
    say "The text contains only non-numeric and non-alphabetic characters."
    say "I think there is something wrong with my logic, Dave."
end if


如果你想要区分大小写(给你四个标准而不是三个标准),你可以用a considering statement包围比较。例如:

if theAlphabet contains theCharacter then
    set containsAlpha to true
    considering case
        if theAlphabet contains theCharacter then
            set containsLowerAlpha to true
        end if
        if theUpperAlphabet contains theCharacter then
            set containsUpperAlpha to true
        end if
    end considering
else if theNumbers contains theCharacter then


else if containsAlpha then
    if containsLowerAlpha and containsUpperAlpha then
        say "The text contains only upper and lower-case characters from the ASCII alphabet."
    else if containsLowerAlpha then
        say "The text contains only lower-case characters from the ASCII alphabet."
        say "The text contains only upper-case characters from the ASCII alphabet."
    end if
else if containsNumber and containsSomethingElse then


-- set what kind of letters it contains
if containsAlpha then
    if containsLowerAlpha and containsUpperAlpha then
        set letterPhrase to "upper and lower-case letters"
    else if containsLowerAlpha then
        set letterPhrase to "lower-case letters"
        set letterPhrase to "upper-case letters"
    end if
end if

--speak the complexity of the phrase
if containsAlpha and (containsNumber or containsSomethingElse) then
    if containsNumber and containsSomethingElse then
        say "The text contains a mix of " & letterPhrase & ", numbers, and something else."
    else if containsNumber then
        say "The text contains a mix of " & letterPhrase & " and numbers."
        say "The text contains a mix of " & letterPhrase & " and something non-numeric."
    end if
else if containsAlpha then
    say "The text contains only " & letterPhrase & " from the ASCII alphabet."