阻止iOS webview在状态栏下返回

时间:2015-05-23 21:03:09

标签: ios cordova ios7 webview childbrowser

我有一个phonegap / cordova应用程序,当我从应用程序调用ChildBrowser时,退出 childbrowser ,然后返回应用程序,webview进入状态栏



基本流程: 启动应用程序(一切都很好) - >调用ChildBrowser(来自app) - >退出ChildBrowser - >回到应用程序(问题:状态栏下的webview)。



 Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

//  AppDelegate.m

#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "MainViewController.h"

    #import <Cordova/CDVPlugin.h>
    #import <Cordova/CDVURLProtocol.h>
    #import "CDVPlugin.h"
    #import "CDVURLProtocol.h"

@implementation AppDelegate
@synthesize window, viewController;

- (id) init
    /** If you need to do any extra app-specific initialization, you can do it here
     *  -jm
    NSHTTPCookieStorage *cookieStorage = [NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage]; 
    [cookieStorage setCookieAcceptPolicy:NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicyAlways];         
    [CDVURLProtocol registerURLProtocol];

    return [super init];

#pragma UIApplicationDelegate implementation

 * This is main kick off after the app inits, the views and Settings are setup here. (preferred - iOS4 and up)
- (BOOL) application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions
    NSURL* url = [launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey];
    NSString* invokeString = nil;

    if (url && [url isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]]) {
        invokeString = [url absoluteString];
        NSLog(@"ios-cordova-childbrowser launchOptions = %@", url);

    CGRect screenBounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
    self.window = [[[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:screenBounds] autorelease];
    self.window.autoresizesSubviews = YES;

    CGRect viewBounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame];

    self.viewController = [[[MainViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
    self.viewController.useSplashScreen = YES;
    self.viewController.wwwFolderName = @"www";
    self.viewController.startPage = @"index.html";
    self.viewController.invokeString = invokeString;
    self.viewController.view.frame = viewBounds;

    // check whether the current orientation is supported: if it is, keep it, rather than forcing a rotation
    BOOL forceStartupRotation = YES;
    UIDeviceOrientation curDevOrientation = [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation];

    if (UIDeviceOrientationUnknown == curDevOrientation) {
        // UIDevice isn't firing orientation notifications yet… go look at the status bar
        curDevOrientation = (UIDeviceOrientation)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation];

    if (UIDeviceOrientationIsValidInterfaceOrientation(curDevOrientation)) {
        for (NSNumber *orient in self.viewController.supportedOrientations) {
            if ([orient intValue] == curDevOrientation) {
                forceStartupRotation = NO;

    if (forceStartupRotation) {
        NSLog(@"supportedOrientations: %@", self.viewController.supportedOrientations);
        // The first item in the supportedOrientations array is the start orientation (guaranteed to be at least Portrait)
        UIInterfaceOrientation newOrient = [[self.viewController.supportedOrientations objectAtIndex:0] intValue];
        NSLog(@"AppDelegate forcing status bar to: %d from: %d", newOrient, curDevOrientation);
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation:newOrient];

    NSURLCache *sharedCache = [[NSURLCache alloc] initWithMemoryCapacity:0 diskCapacity:0 diskPath:nil];
    [NSURLCache setSharedURLCache:sharedCache];
    [sharedCache release];

    [self.window addSubview:self.viewController.view];
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];

    [[UIApplication sharedApplication]setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleBlackTranslucent];

    return YES;

// this happens while we are running ( in the background, or from within our own app )
// only valid if ios-cordova-childbrowser-Info.plist specifies a protocol to handle
- (BOOL) application:(UIApplication*)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL*)url 
    if (!url) { 
        return NO; 

    // calls into javascript global function 'handleOpenURL'
    NSString* jsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"handleOpenURL(\"%@\");", url];
    [self.viewController.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsString];

    // all plugins will get the notification, and their handlers will be called 
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:[NSNotification notificationWithName:CDVPluginHandleOpenURLNotification object:url]];

    return YES;    

- (void) dealloc
    [super dealloc];

- (void)setOrientation:(NSMutableArray *)arguments
    NSLog(@"setting orientation");
    MainViewController *vc = self.viewController;
    [vc setDevideDirection:2];
    //self.viewController.supportedOrientations = arguments;
    //self.viewController.supportedOrientations = arguments;

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