我是ILNumerics的新手,我对一些简单的活动有疑问。我想在用户鼠标输入上添加点到绘图。用户点击了图上的点5,4,这一点必须在这个位置上绘制。 我有一些问题要将鼠标的位置转换为绘图坐标,我在这里找到了解决方案,但它对我来说并不理想。我做了什么:
private void ilpGraph_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var scene = new ILScene();
var plotCube = scene.Add(
new ILPlotCube()
new PointsGroup()
plotCube.Limits.Set(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(10, 10, 0));
plotCube.MouseClick += plotCube_MouseClick;
ilpGraph.Scene = scene;
void plotCube_MouseClick(object sender, ILMouseEventArgs e)
var pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
ILGroup plotcubeGroup = sender as ILGroup;
ILGroup group = plotcubeGroup.Children.Where(item => item.Tag == "PointsGroup").First() as ILGroup;
if (group != null)
// walk up to the next camera node
Matrix4 trans = group.Transform;
while (!(group is ILCamera) && group != null)
group = group.Parent;
// collect all nodes on the path up
trans = group.Transform * trans;
if (group != null && (group is ILCamera))
// convert args.LocationF to world coords
// The Z coord is not provided by the mouse! -> choose arbitrary value
pos = new Vector3(e.LocationF.X * 2 - 1, e.LocationF.Y * -2 + 1, 0);
// invert the matrix.
trans = Matrix4.Invert(trans);
// trans now converts from the world coord system (at the camera) to
// the local coord system in the 'target' group node (surface).
// In order to transform the mouse (viewport) position, we
// left multiply the transformation matrix.
pos = trans * pos;
// it's for testing now
var pg = (sender as ILPlotCube).Plots.Children[0];
var t = ((PointsGroup)pg).Points.Positions;
int dc = t.DataCount;
t.Update(dc, 1, new[] { pos.X, pos.Y, 0.0f });
e.Refresh = true;
public class PointsGroup : ILGroup
private ILPoints _points;
public PointsGroup()
: base((object)"PointsGroup", new Vector3?(), 0.0, new Vector3?(), new Vector3?(), new RenderTarget?())
internal PointsGroup(PointsGroup source) : base((ILGroup) source)
public ILPoints Points
if (_points == null)
return new ILPoints();
return _points;
set { _points = value; }
protected override ILNode CreateSynchedCopy(ILNode source)
return (ILNode)new PointsGroup();
public override ILNode Copy()
return (ILNode)new PointsGroup(this);
public override ILNode Synchronize(ILNode copy, ILSyncParams syncParams)
return base.Synchronize(copy, syncParams);
问题是什么: 如果我没有定义PointsGroup类,我无法在绘图上本地化鼠标坐标(ILPoints不是ILGroup,我不知道如何以不同方式执行)。 使用PointsGroup坐标计算良好,但坐标不会被记住并且不会在图上显示。我知道它为什么会发生,但我真的不知道如何解决这个问题。 如何扩展我的PointsGroup类以记住我的值并在绘图上显示或如何修改坐标计算以处理ILPoints对象? 谁能帮我?请