
时间:2015-05-23 08:17:18

标签: javascript jquery html modal-dialog jsfiddle

我似乎无法想象这个噩梦。 所以我试图制作一个包含在模态弹出窗口中的篮子系统。 当我按原样离开时(Original Basket System),效果很好。

当我将模态添加到等式中时,它会爆炸。 该列表将添加并完全正常,直到您尝试删除任何列表项。然后它删除了错误的数量,弄乱了总数,这是最重要的......当你关闭模态窗口并再次打开它时,所有的项目都会从死亡中回来! (Basket With Modal = BOOM


$(document).ready(function() {
  var Arrays = new Array();
  $('#wrap li').click(function() {
    var thisID = $(this).attr('id');
    var itemname = $(this).find('div .name').html();
    var itemprice = $(this).find('div .price').html();

    if (include(Arrays, thisID)) {
      var price = $('#each-' + thisID).children(".shopp-price").find('em').html();
      var quantity = $('#each-' + thisID).children(".shopp-quantity").html();
      quantity = parseInt(quantity) + parseInt(1);

      var total = parseInt(itemprice) * parseInt(quantity);

      $('#each-' + thisID).children(".shopp-price").find('em').html(total);
      $('#each-' + thisID).children(".shopp-quantity").html(quantity);

      var prev_charges = $('.cart-total span').html();
      var prev_quantity = $('.cart-quantity span').html();

      prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges) - parseInt(price);

      prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges) + parseInt(total);
      prev_quantity = parseInt(prev_quantity) + parseInt(1);

      $('.cart-total span').html(prev_charges);
      $('.cart-quantity span').html(prev_quantity);

    } else {

      var prev_charges = $('.cart-total span').html();
      var prev_quantity = $('.cart-quantity span').html();

      prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges) + parseInt(itemprice);
      prev_quantity = parseInt(prev_quantity) + parseInt(1);

      $('.cart-total span').html(prev_charges);
      $('.cart-quantity span').html(prev_quantity);


      $('#left_bar .cart-info').append('<div class="shopp" id="each-' + thisID + '"><div class="label">' + itemname + '</div><div class="shopp-price"> $<em>' + itemprice + '</em></div><span class="shopp-quantity">1</span><img src="remove.png" class="remove" /><br class="all" /></div>');

  $('.remove').livequery('click', function() {

    var deduct = $(this).parent().children(".shopp-price").find('em').html();
    var deduct2 = $(this).parent().children(".shopp-quantity").html();

    var prev_charges = $('.cart-total span').html();
    var prev_quantity = $('.cart-quantity span').html();

    var thisID = $(this).parent().attr('id').replace('each-', '');

    var pos = getpos(Arrays, thisID);
    Arrays.splice(pos, 1, "0")

    prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges) - parseInt(deduct);
    prev_quantity = parseInt(prev_quantity) - parseInt(deduct2);

    $('.cart-total span').html(prev_charges);
    $('.cart-quantity span').html(prev_quantity);



  $('#Submit').livequery('click', function() {
    var totalCharge = $('#total-hidden-charges').val();
    var totalQuantity = $('#total-hidden-quantity').val();
    $('#left_bar').html('Total Charges: $' + totalCharge + ' quantity: ' + totalQuantity);
    return false;

function include(arr, obj) {
  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (arr[i] == obj) return true;

function getpos(arr, obj) {
  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (arr[i] == obj) return i;

jQuery(function($) {
  // Load dialog on page load

  // Load dialog on click
  $('#basic-modal .basic').click(function(e) {

    return false;

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  m = p && /msie 6./.test(k) && "object" !== typeof window.XMLHttpRequest;
  r = p && /msie 7.0/.test(k);
  b.modal = function(a, h) {
    return b.modal.impl.init(a, h)
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  b.modal.focus = function(a) {
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    function() {
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  b.modal.update = function(a, h) {
    b.modal.impl.update(a, h)
  b.fn.modal = function(a) {
    return b.modal.impl.init(this, a)
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  b.modal.impl = {
    d: {},
    init: function(a, h) {
      if (this.d.data) return !1;
      o = p && !b.support.boxModel;
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      } else if ("string" === typeof a || "number" === typeof a) a = b("<div></div>").html(a);
      else return alert("SimpleModal Error: Unsupported data type: " + typeof a), this;
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      return this
    create: function(a) {
      if (this.o.modal && m) this.d.iframe = b('<iframe src="javascript:false;"></iframe>').css(b.extend(this.o.iframeCss, {
        display: "none",
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        position: "fixed",
        height: g[0],
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        top: 0,
        left: 0
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        display: "none",
        opacity: this.o.opacity / 100,
        height: this.o.modal ? j[0] : 0,
        width: this.o.modal ? j[1] : 0,
        position: "fixed",
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        top: 0,
        zIndex: this.o.zIndex + 1
      this.d.container = b("<div></div>").attr("id", this.o.containerId).addClass("simplemodal-container").css(b.extend({
        position: this.o.fixed ?
          "fixed" : "absolute"
      }, this.o.containerCss, {
        display: "none",
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      })).append(this.o.close && this.o.closeHTML ? b(this.o.closeHTML).addClass(this.o.closeClass) : "").appendTo(this.o.appendTo);
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        height: "100%",
        outline: 0,
        width: "100%"
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        display: "none"
      (m || o) && this.fixIE()
    bindEvents: function() {
      var a = this;
      b("." + a.o.closeClass).bind("click.simplemodal", function(b) {
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      n.bind("keydown.simplemodal", function(b) {
        a.o.modal && 9 === b.keyCode ? a.watchTab(b) : a.o.close && a.o.escClose && 27 === b.keyCode && (b.preventDefault(), a.close())
      l.bind("resize.simplemodal orientationchange.simplemodal",
        function() {
          a.o.autoResize ? a.setContainerDimensions() : a.o.autoPosition && a.setPosition();
          m || o ? a.fixIE() : a.o.modal && (a.d.iframe && a.d.iframe.css({
            height: g[0],
            width: g[1]
          }), a.d.overlay.css({
            height: j[0],
            width: j[1]
    unbindEvents: function() {
      b("." + this.o.closeClass).unbind("click.simplemodal");
    fixIE: function() {
      var a = this.o.position;
      b.each([this.d.iframe || null, !this.o.modal ? null : this.d.overlay,
        "fixed" === this.d.container.css("position") ? this.d.container : null
      ], function(b, e) {
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    focus: function(a) {
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          0 < e.length ? e.focus() : h.d.wrap.focus()
    getDimensions: function() {
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    getVal: function(a, b) {
      return a ? "number" === typeof a ? a : "auto" === a ? 0 : 0 < a.indexOf("%") ? parseInt(a.replace(/%/, "")) / 100 * ("h" === b ? g[0] : g[1]) : parseInt(a.replace(/px/, "")) : null
    update: function(a, b) {
      if (!this.d.data) return !1;
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        a = this.d.origWidth ? this.d.origWidth : q ? this.d.container.width() : this.getVal(a ? this.d.container[0].currentStyle.width : this.d.container.css("width"), "w"),
        e = this.d.data.outerHeight(!0),
        f =
      this.d.origHeight = this.d.origHeight || b;
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        b = b ? this.o.autoResize && b > c ? c : b < i ? i : b : e ? e > c ? c : this.o.minHeight && "auto" !== i && e < i ? i : e : i,
        c = this.o.minWidth ? this.getVal(this.o.minWidth, "w") : "auto",
        a = a ? this.o.autoResize && a > d ? d : a < c ? c : a : f ?
        f > d ? d : this.o.minWidth && "auto" !== c && f < c ? c : f : c;
        height: b,
        width: a
        overflow: e > b || f > a ? "auto" : "visible"
      this.o.autoPosition && this.setPosition()
    setPosition: function() {
      var a, b;
      a = g[0] / 2 - this.d.container.outerHeight(!0) / 2;
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      this.o.position && "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(this.o.position) ? (a = e + (this.o.position[0] || a), b = this.o.position[1] || b) :
        a = e + a;
        left: b,
        top: a
    watchTab: function(a) {
      if (0 < b(a.target).parents(".simplemodal-container").length) {
        if (this.inputs = b(":input:enabled:visible:first, :input:enabled:visible:last", this.d.data[0]), !a.shiftKey && a.target === this.inputs[this.inputs.length - 1] || a.shiftKey && a.target === this.inputs[0] || 0 === this.inputs.length) a.preventDefault(), this.focus(a.shiftKey ? "last" : "first")
      } else a.preventDefault(), this.focus()
    open: function() {
      this.d.iframe && this.d.iframe.show();
      b.isFunction(this.o.onOpen) ?
        this.o.onOpen.apply(this, [this.d]) : (this.d.overlay.show(), this.d.container.show(), this.d.data.show());
      this.o.focus && this.focus();
    close: function() {
      if (!this.d.data) return !1;
      if (b.isFunction(this.o.onClose) && !this.occb) this.occb = !0, this.o.onClose.apply(this, [this.d]);
      else {
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        } else this.d.data.hide().remove();
        this.d.iframe && this.d.iframe.hide().remove();
        this.d = {}
#wrap ul li {
  border: 2px solid black;
  height: 50px;
  width: 100px;
  margin-left: 5px;
  overflow: hidden;
#wrap ul li div {
  text-align: center;
#wrap ul li {
  cursor: pointer;
#left_bar {
  height: 350px;
  width: 250px;
button {
  background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #AD7B05;
  color: #FFFFFF;
  border: medium none;
  margin-right: -14px;
  padding: 10px;
  cursor: pointer;
.cart-total {
  border: solid #ccc 1px;
  background: url(remove.png) center right no-repeat 5px;
  width: 260px;
div.shopp div.label {
  width: 130px;
  float: left;
div.shopp div.shopp-price {
  width: 70px;
  float: left;
#container {
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding-top: 20px;
  width: 800px;
#simplemodal-container {
  height: 360px;
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  padding: 12px;
#simplemodal-container .simplemodal-data {
  padding: 8px;
#simplemodal-container code {
  background: #141414;
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  padding: 4px 6px 6px;
#simplemodal-container a {
  color: #ddd;
#simplemodal-container a.modalCloseImg {
  background: url(../light/img/basic/x.png) no-repeat;
  width: 25px;
  border: solid #ccc 1px;
  height: 29px;
  display: inline;
  z-index: 3200;
  position: absolute;
  top: -15px;
  right: -16px;
  cursor: pointer;
#simplemodal-container h3 {
  color: #84b8d9;
#basic-modal-content {
  display: none;
#simplemodal-overlay {
  background-color: #000;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://www.sethcraft.com/elle/include/jquery.livequery.js"></script>

  <div id="wrap" align="left">
      <li id="1">
        <br clear="all" />
        <div><span class="name">Ace</span>: $<span class="price">800</span> 
      <li id="2">
        <br clear="all" />
        <div><span class="name">Bat</span>: $<span class="price">500 </span>
      <li id="3">
        <br clear="all" />
        <div><span class="name">Cat</span>: $<span class="price">450</span>
    <br clear="all" />

<div id='container'>
  <div id='content'>
    <div id='basic-modal'>
      <input type='button' name='basic' value='Basket' class='basic' />

    <!-- modal content -->
    <div id="basic-modal-content">
      <div id="left_bar">
        <form action="#">
          <div class="cart-info"></div>
          <div class="cart-total">
            <b>Total Charges:</b> $<span>0</span>
            <input type="hidden" name="total-hidden-charges" id="total-hidden-charges" value="0" />
          <div class="cart-quantity">
            <b>Total quantity:</b> #<span>0</span>
            <input type="hidden" name="total-hidden-quantity" id="total-hidden-quantity" value="0" />
          <button type="submit" id="Submit">CheckOut</button>

    <!-- preload the images -->
    <div style='display:none'>
      <img src='../light/img/basic/x.png' alt='' />

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



persist [Boolean:false]在模态调用中保留数据?仅用过   对于现有的DOM元素。如果为true,则数据将保持不变   模态调用,如果为false,则数据将恢复为原始数据   状态。


      persist: 1

$(document).ready(function() {
  var Arrays = new Array();
  $('#wrap li').click(function() {
    var thisID = $(this).attr('id');
    var itemname = $(this).find('div .name').html();
    var itemprice = $(this).find('div .price').html();

    if (include(Arrays, thisID)) {
      var price = $('#each-' + thisID).children(".shopp-price").find('em').html();
      var quantity = $('#each-' + thisID).children(".shopp-quantity").html();
      quantity = parseInt(quantity) + parseInt(1);

      var total = parseInt(itemprice) * parseInt(quantity);

      $('#each-' + thisID).children(".shopp-price").find('em').html(total);
      $('#each-' + thisID).children(".shopp-quantity").html(quantity);

      var prev_charges = $('.cart-total span').html();
      var prev_quantity = $('.cart-quantity span').html();

      prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges) - parseInt(price);

      prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges) + parseInt(total);
      prev_quantity = parseInt(prev_quantity) + parseInt(1);

      $('.cart-total span').html(prev_charges);
      $('.cart-quantity span').html(prev_quantity);

    } else {

      var prev_charges = $('.cart-total span').html();
      var prev_quantity = $('.cart-quantity span').html();

      prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges) + parseInt(itemprice);
      prev_quantity = parseInt(prev_quantity) + parseInt(1);

      $('.cart-total span').html(prev_charges);
      $('.cart-quantity span').html(prev_quantity);


      $('#left_bar .cart-info').append('<div class="shopp" id="each-' + thisID + '"><div class="label">' + itemname + '</div><div class="shopp-price"> $<em>' + itemprice + '</em></div><span class="shopp-quantity">1</span><img src="remove.png" class="remove" /><br class="all" /></div>');

  $('.remove').livequery('click', function() {

    var deduct = $(this).parent().children(".shopp-price").find('em').html();
    var deduct2 = $(this).parent().children(".shopp-quantity").html();

    var prev_charges = $('.cart-total span').html();
    var prev_quantity = $('.cart-quantity span').html();

    var thisID = $(this).parent().attr('id').replace('each-', '');

    var pos = getpos(Arrays, thisID);
    Arrays.splice(pos, 1, "0")

    prev_charges = parseInt(prev_charges) - parseInt(deduct);
    prev_quantity = parseInt(prev_quantity) - parseInt(deduct2);

    $('.cart-total span').html(prev_charges);
    $('.cart-quantity span').html(prev_quantity);



  $('#Submit').livequery('click', function() {
    var totalCharge = $('#total-hidden-charges').val();
    var totalQuantity = $('#total-hidden-quantity').val();
    $('#left_bar').html('Total Charges: $' + totalCharge + ' quantity: ' + totalQuantity);
    return false;

function include(arr, obj) {
  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (arr[i] == obj) return true;

function getpos(arr, obj) {
  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (arr[i] == obj) return i;

jQuery(function($) {
  // Load dialog on page load

  // Load dialog on click
  $('#basic-modal .basic').click(function(e) {
      persist: 1

    return false;

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    q = /opera/.test(k),
    m, r;
  m = p && /msie 6./.test(k) && "object" !== typeof window.XMLHttpRequest;
  r = p && /msie 7.0/.test(k);
  b.modal = function(a, h) {
    return b.modal.impl.init(a, h)
  b.modal.close = function() {
  b.modal.focus = function(a) {
  b.modal.setContainerDimensions =
    function() {
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  b.modal.update = function(a, h) {
    b.modal.impl.update(a, h)
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    closeHTML: '<a class="modalCloseImg" title="Close"></a>',
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    position: null,
    persist: !0,
    modal: !0,
    onOpen: null,
    onShow: null,
    onClose: null
  b.modal.impl = {
    d: {},
    init: function(a, h) {
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      return this
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        display: "none"
      (m || o) && this.fixIE()
    bindEvents: function() {
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            height: g[0],
            width: g[1]
          }), a.d.overlay.css({
            height: j[0],
            width: j[1]
    unbindEvents: function() {
      b("." + this.o.closeClass).unbind("click.simplemodal");
    fixIE: function() {
      var a = this.o.position;
      b.each([this.d.iframe || null, !this.o.modal ? null : this.d.overlay,
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        e = b(":input:enabled:visible:" + a, h.d.wrap);
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          0 < e.length ? e.focus() : h.d.wrap.focus()
    getDimensions: function() {
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      j = [n.height(), n.width()];
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      return a ? "number" === typeof a ? a : "auto" === a ? 0 : 0 < a.indexOf("%") ? parseInt(a.replace(/%/, "")) / 100 * ("h" === b ? g[0] : g[1]) : parseInt(a.replace(/px/, "")) : null
    update: function(a, b) {
      if (!this.d.data) return !1;
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      b && this.d.container.css("width",
      this.o.focus && this.focus();
    setContainerDimensions: function() {
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        a = this.d.origWidth ? this.d.origWidth : q ? this.d.container.width() : this.getVal(a ? this.d.container[0].currentStyle.width : this.d.container.css("width"), "w"),
        e = this.d.data.outerHeight(!0),
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      this.d.origHeight = this.d.origHeight || b;
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        c = this.o.minWidth ? this.getVal(this.o.minWidth, "w") : "auto",
        a = a ? this.o.autoResize && a > d ? d : a < c ? c : a : f ?
        f > d ? d : this.o.minWidth && "auto" !== c && f < c ? c : f : c;
        height: b,
        width: a
        overflow: e > b || f > a ? "auto" : "visible"
      this.o.autoPosition && this.setPosition()
    setPosition: function() {
      var a, b;
      a = g[0] / 2 - this.d.container.outerHeight(!0) / 2;
      b = g[1] / 2 - this.d.container.outerWidth(!0) / 2;
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      this.o.position && "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(this.o.position) ? (a = e + (this.o.position[0] || a), b = this.o.position[1] || b) :
        a = e + a;
        left: b,
        top: a
    watchTab: function(a) {
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    open: function() {
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        this.o.onOpen.apply(this, [this.d]) : (this.d.overlay.show(), this.d.container.show(), this.d.data.show());
      this.o.focus && this.focus();
    close: function() {
      if (!this.d.data) return !1;
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        this.d = {}
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  <div id="wrap" align="left">
      <li id="1">
        <br clear="all" />
        <div><span class="name">Ace</span>: $<span class="price">800</span> 
      <li id="2">
        <br clear="all" />
        <div><span class="name">Bat</span>: $<span class="price">500 </span>
      <li id="3">
        <br clear="all" />
        <div><span class="name">Cat</span>: $<span class="price">450</span>
    <br clear="all" />

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  <div id='content'>
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      <input type='button' name='basic' value='Basket' class='basic' />

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        <form action="#">
          <div class="cart-info"></div>
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            <b>Total Charges:</b> $<span>0</span>
            <input type="hidden" name="total-hidden-charges" id="total-hidden-charges" value="0" />
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            <b>Total quantity:</b> #<span>0</span>
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          <button type="submit" id="Submit">CheckOut</button>

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      <img src='../light/img/basic/x.png' alt='' />