我一直在为我的客户网站制作一项功能。他们在MAC上有一个旧版本的Microsoft Excel,它不支持.XML - 他们使用的商店系统.XML
<order_date>0000-00-00 00:00:00</order_date>
<order_amount>order total</order_amount>
<base_order_amount>pre shipping order total</base_order_amount>
<shipping_type>Basic Shipping</shipping_type>
<shipping_price> $0.00</shipping_price>
<billing_address1>PO / Add</billing_address1>
<billing_postal_code>postal code</billing_postal_code>
<shipping_address1>PO / Add</shipping_address1>
<shipping_postal_code>postal code</shipping_postal_code>
<item_name>Sample Item</item_name>
<item_name>Sample Item 2</item_name>
function xml2csv($xmlFile, $xPath) {
$csvData = "";
// Load the XML file
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile);
// xpath to search
$path = $xml->order;
//get headers (xpath must match above)
$headers = get_object_vars($xml->order[0]);
// Loop through the first row to get headers
foreach($headers as $key => $value){
$csvData .= $key . ',';
// Trim off the extra comma
$csvData = trim($csvData, ',');
// Add an LF
$csvData .= "\n";
foreach($path as $item) {
// Loop through the elements in specificed xpath
foreach($item as $key => $value) {
//check for a second generation children of specified first generation child
if ($key == "items") {
$itemString = "";
// if first generation child has children then loop through each second gen child
foreach ($item->children() as $child) {
// loop through each xpath of second generation child
foreach($child as $value) {
// for value of each xpath of second generation child get value as out
foreach($value->children() as $out) {
//combine each value into itemString for export to .csv
$itemString .= $out . "|";
// place item string in csvData string and remove extra pipe
$csvData .= trim($itemString, "|");
//else put xpath values of first geneartion child in .csv
else {
$csvData .= trim($value) . ',';
// Trim off the extra comma
$csvData = trim($csvData, ',');
// Add an LF
$csvData .= "\n";
// Return the CSV data
return $csvData;
00,000000,Authorized,0000-00-00 00:00:00,i@me.ca,$00.00,$00.00,Basic Shipping,$0.00,Me,Initial,123 Some Person Street,,Personville,Prov/State,Country,postal,,test,test,test,test,test,test,test,,test,test,test,test,,item name|item price|item quantity
01,000000,Authorized,0000-00-00 00:00:00,i@me.ca,$00.00,$00.00,Basic Shipping,$0.00,Me,Initial,123 Some Person Street,,Personville,Prov/State,Country,postal,,test,test,test,test,test,test,test,,test,test,test,test,,item name|item price|item quantity
02,000000,Authorized,0000-00-00 00:00:00,i@me.ca,$00.00,$00.00,Basic Shipping,$0.00,Me,Initial,123 Some Person Street,,Personville,Prov/State,Country,postal,,test,test,test,test,test,test,test,,test,test,test,test,,item name|item price|item quantity
03,000000,Authorized,0000-00-00 00:00:00,i@me.ca,$00.00,$00.00,Basic Shipping,$0.00,Me,Initial,123 Some Person Street,,Personville,Prov/State,Country,postal,,test,test,test,test,test,test,test,,test,test,test,test,,item name|item price|item quantity
04,000000,Authorized,0000-00-00 00:00:00,i@me.ca,$00.00,$00.00,Basic Shipping,$0.00,Me,Initial,123 Some Person Street,,Personville,Prov/State,Country,postal,,test,test,test,test,test,test,test,,test,test,test,test,,item name|item price|item quantity|item name|item price|item quantity
这里的目的是我的客户端可以直接从商店系统下载.CSV(而不是默认的.XML) - 在excel中处理它,因为他们需要处理他们的订单,然后将.CSV上传回商店 - 它将自动转换为如上所示形成的XML。
由于.CSV是一种平面格式,我所做的就是将XML项目压缩成一个简单的.CSV字符串,其中每个值都由一个|不会在我们网站上的任何标记文本中使用。就这样item name|item price|item quantity
这是我的代码试图实现这一点,我接近但我对输出有一些不稳定的行为。它在注释行$itemvalue = $doc->createTextNode($irow[$g]);
function contains($substring, $string) {
$pos = strpos($string, $substring);
if($pos === false) {
// string needle NOT found in haystack
return false;
else {
// string needle found in haystack
return true;
function csv2xml($csvData) {
$outputFilename = 'test.xml';
// Open csv to read
$input = fopen($csvData, 'rt');
// Get the headers of the file
$headers = fgetcsv($input);
// Create a new dom document with pretty formatting
$doc = new DomDocument();
$doc->formatOutput = true;
// Add a root node to the document
$root = $doc->createElement('orders');
$root = $doc->appendChild($root);
while (($row = fgetcsv($input)) !== FALSE) {
$container = $doc->createElement('order');
foreach ($headers as $i => $header)
//set temp file name here
$tempFile = "temp.csv";
//prepare mockCSV
$mockCSV = "";
$mockCSV .= "item_name,item_price,item_quantity";
$mockCSV .= "\n";
//check if current property has items data with |
if (contains("|", $row[$i])) {
//if it does create array of data
$item_arr = explode("|", $row[$i]);
//create header for 'items' node
$child = $doc->createElement($header);
$child = $container->appendChild($child);
//count for items
$count = 0;
foreach($item_arr as $k => $item) {
$mockCSV .= trim($item) . ",";
if($count == 2) {
// Trim off the extra comma
$mockCSV = trim($mockCSV, ',');
// Add an LF
$mockCSV .= "\n";
// Trim off the extra comma
$mockCSV = trim($mockCSV, ',');
// Add an LF
$mockCSV .= "\n";
//put mock CSV data in temp file
$f = fopen($tempFile, "w");
fwrite($f, $mockCSV);
//get data from temp file
$iteminput = fopen($tempFile, 'rt');
//get headers from temp file
$itemheaders = fgetcsv($iteminput);
while (($irow = fgetcsv($iteminput)) !== FALSE) {
$itemchild = $doc->createElement('item');
foreach($itemheaders as $g => $itemheader) {
$subchild = $doc->createElement($itemheader);
$subchild = $itemchild->appendChild($subchild);
$itemvalue = $doc->createTextNode($irow[$g]); /* OFFSET HAPPENS HERE */
$itemvalue = $subchild->appendChild($itemvalue);
$itemchild = $child->appendChild($itemchild);
else {
$child = $doc->createElement($header);
$child = $container->appendChild($child);
$value = $doc->createTextNode($row[$i]);
$value = $child->appendChild($value);
$strxml = $doc->saveXML();
$handle = fopen($outputFilename, "w");
fwrite($handle, $strxml);
echo csv2xml("test.csv");
<order_date>0000-00-00 00:00:00</order_date>
<shipping_type>Basic Shipping</shipping_type>
<shipping_price> $0.00</shipping_price>
<billing_address1>PO / Add</billing_address1>
<billing_postal_code>postal code</billing_postal_code>
<shipping_address1>PO / Add</shipping_address1>
<shipping_postal_code>postal code</shipping_postal_code>
并没有将值放在某些字段中。此外,它不会重复显示的双重产品条目,其源.CSV字段看起来像item name|item price|item quantity|item name|item price|item quantity
更重要的是,我在这里使用非常不完整的代码,我觉得,我没有使用.PHP练习 - 我觉得必须存在某种逻辑问题我的方式如何 - 我的方式可以工作但是那里必须是一个更简化的方法。如果有人能告诉我那是什么 - 这就是我真正想要的答案。
TL:DR从这里开始 我正在尝试使用管道分隔为第二代和第三代XML子项将.CSV数据转换为结构化.XML数据
我的源.CSV文件'items'中只有一个字段包含此类信息 - 所有其他项都是单键单项,数据如下所示item name|item price|item quantity|item name|item price|item quantity
我尝试重新创建一个模拟CSV文件并将其放入临时目录中以放置此信息,然后使用基本CSV到XML,这在我的程序中可以将数据放入XML Dom文档中
<item_name>Sample Item</item_name>
<item_name>Sample Item 2</item_name>
我需要提供很多信息来正确说明问题但我的问题很简单 - 如何实现我想要的输出。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
// XML: set up object
$xml = simplexml_load_string("<orders/>");
// CSV: assume CSV in $c, get it as a whole
$csv = str_getcsv($c, "\n");
// CSV: separate 1st row with field names from the following rows
$names = str_getcsv(array_shift($csv));
// CSV: parse row by row
foreach ($csv as $row) {
// CSV: combine names as keys => data as values
$row = array_combine($names, str_getcsv($row));
// XML: create new <order>
$xml_order = $xml->addChild("order");
// CSV: parse a single row
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
// *****
// XML: create field as child of <order>
$xml_order->addChild($key, $value);
// *****
以下代码替换了// *****
// CSV: check for pipes, attention use strict comparison ===
if (strpos($value, "|") === false) {
// XML: no pipe, create node as a child of <order>
$xml_order->addChild($key, $value);
} else {
// CSV: pipe present, split up data
$csv_items = str_getcsv($value,"|");
// XML: create <items> node
$xml_items = $xml_order->addChild($key);
// CSV: iterate over $csv_items, each 3 elements = 1 row
// chop row after row
while (!empty($csv_items)) {
// XML: create <item> node as child of <items>
$xml_item = $xml_items->addChild("item");
// XML: create children of <item> node
$xml_item->addChild("item_name", array_shift($csv_items));
$xml_item->addChild("item_price", array_shift($csv_items));
$xml_item->addChild("item_quantity", array_shift($csv_items));
$xml = simplexml_load_string("<orders/>");
$csv = str_getcsv($c, "\n"); // assume CSV in $c
$names = str_getcsv(array_shift($csv));
foreach ($csv as $row) {
$row = array_combine($names, str_getcsv($row));
$xml_order = $xml->addChild("order");
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($value, "|") === false)
$xml_order->addChild($key, $value);
else {
$csv_items = str_getcsv($value,"|");
$xml_items = $xml_order->addChild($key);
while (!empty($csv_items)) {
$xml_item = $xml_items->addChild("item");
$xml_item->addChild("item_name", array_shift($csv_items));
$xml_item->addChild("item_price", array_shift($csv_items));
$xml_item->addChild("item_quantity", array_shift($csv_items));
看到它正常工作: https://eval.in/368945