Bootstrap popover与textAngular编辑器

时间:2015-05-22 15:27:06

标签: javascript angularjs twitter-bootstrap google-chrome safari

我为textAngular编写了一个自定义工具,您可以在其中上传在编辑器中链接的文件。我将我的代码定位在原始textAngular insertLink tool上。 单击fileupload按钮后,将打开一个引导程序弹出窗口,您可以上传文件,然后可以使用按钮确认插入链接或链接选择。

问题:这种情况每隔一段时间才有效!如果我在Firefox中运行代码,则会出现 not 的问题(Safari和Chrome不起作用,其他浏览器未经过测试)。如果我遗漏了弹出框,它也会发生而不是 我已经尝试了很多,但我无法找出问题所在。这似乎与Bootstrap popovers,Chrome / Safari& amp;和textAngular。

这是一个(注释的)plunker,它显示了我的问题: PLNKR

// stackoverflow说,我必须通过代码链接到plunker,所以这是我的问题的核心。我建议在plunker中查看代码..

taRegisterTool('fileupload', {
    tooltiptext: 'Upload a file to link to',
    iconclass: 'fa fa-upload',
    action: function () {

        //get editors fileupload button
        var button = $('[name="fileupload"]');

        //create popover content
        var popoverContent = angular.element('<ta-fileupload-popover></ta-fileupload-popover>');

        // the editor fileupload button scope acts as interface between the popover directive and the editor
        // (i don't really like this - is there a better way to let them communicate?)
        var $buttonScope = button.scope();

        //compile content it to the buttons scope

        //create bootstrap popover
            content: popoverContent,
            placement: 'bottom',
            container: 'body',
            viewport: button,
            html: true

        //show it

        //..for reference inside performAction function
        var self = this;

        //taFileuploadPopover calls this after finishing the upload
        $buttonScope.performAction = function () {

            //the path where the uploaded file will be
            var urlLink = $buttonScope.taFileUploadAccessPath;

            //wrap selection like in original textangular insertLink tool
            if (urlLink && urlLink !== '' && urlLink !== 'http://') {

                //destroy popover

                //urlLink is always correctly defined..

                //TODO ..but the wrapping/link insertion only works every second time!!!!!!
                return self.$editor().wrapSelection('createLink', urlLink, true);

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