EstimatedCost = Currency.SafeToString(Currency.Create(n.EstimatedCost)),
public const string ExcelDataType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml";
public static MemoryStream GenerateExcelFileFromData(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, DataTable>> tabs, int colWidth = 100)
var workbook = new XLWorkbook { ColumnWidth = colWidth };
foreach (var enumerable in tabs)
workbook.Worksheets.Add(enumerable.Value, enumerable.Key);
public static DataTable ConvertToDataTable<T>(IEnumerable<T> varlist, List<string> excludedColumns, bool titleizeColumn = false)
var dtReturn = new DataTable();
// column names
PropertyInfo[] oProps = null;
if (varlist == null) return dtReturn;
foreach (T rec in varlist)
// Use reflection to get property names, to create table, Only first time, others will follow
if (oProps == null)
oProps = rec.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in oProps)
if (excludedColumns.Contains(pi.Name))
var colType = pi.PropertyType;
dtReturn.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(GetColumnName(pi, titleizeColumn), colType));
DataRow dr = dtReturn.NewRow();
foreach (var pi in oProps.Where(pi => !excludedColumns.Contains(pi.Name)))
dr[GetColumnName(pi, titleizeColumn)] = pi.GetValue(rec, null) ?? DBNull.Value;
catch (ArgumentException)
dr[GetColumnName(pi, titleizeColumn)] = DBNull.Value;
return dtReturn;
答案 0 :(得分:7)
worksheet.Cell(rowIndex, columnIndex).Style.NumberFormat.Format = "$0.00";
worksheet.Cell(rowIndex, columnIndex).DataType = XLCellValues.Number;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您可以获取所有您知道的货币列并设置 NumberFormat.Format。下面是如何完成的示例。用于美元货币的正确格式是 "[$$-en-US]#,##0.00_);[Red]([$$-en-US]#,##0.00)"
。使用此格式时,如果您在 Excel 中打开电子表格并转到单元格格式,您将看到它设置为货币。
// Assume all columns that have "price" in the heading are currency types and format as currency.
var priceColumns = table.Columns(c => c.FirstCell().Value.ToString().Contains("price", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
foreach (var priceColumn in priceColumns)
// Get all the cells in this column, except for the header row
var cells = priceColumn.Cells(2, rowCount);
cells.Style.NumberFormat.Format = @"[$$-en-US]#,##0.00_);[Red]([$$-en-US]#,##0.00)";
catch { } // Exception here means not all of the cells have a numeric value.
答案 2 :(得分:-1)
ws.Cell(ro, co).Style.NumberFormat.Format = "[$$-en-US] #,##0.00";
ws.Cell(ro, co).DataType = XLDataType.Number;