这是我的父html页面 - 我在父页面上显示了一个树结构,我从子html页面
<div ng-controller="domainController">
<!--It takes the controller data through tree-data tag, I want this data to get refreshed whenever new data is passed through child html page so that it will have the new data which is stored in service -->
<swt-tree tree-data="busdomain" on-select="statementSelected(branch, selected_branches)" tree-control="statementTree" label-provider="domainLabelProvider" content-provider="domainContentProvider" expand-level="-1"></swt-tree>
这是我的儿童HTML 点击“确定”按钮后,我希望我的值填充在parent.html页面上
<form name="businessdomain" ng-controller="domainController">
<input id="name" placeholder="Name" ng-model="busdomain.name" ng-change="domainNameChanged()" required="true">
<!--I am making a tree like structure that is why this tags are used through tree-data statements am passing the controller values to html page for populating the data on tree -->
<swt-tree tree-data="statements" on-select="statementSelected(branch, selected_branches)" tree-control="statementTree" label-provider="domainLabelProvider" content-provider="domainContentProvider" expand-level="-1"></swt-tree>
<!--Am calling controller method which will perform tree operations-->
<button type="submit" ng-click="addSubTree(createdomain.$valid)">OK</button>
这是我的controller.js 我希望我的控制器能够重新加载,因为存储在服务中的值在重新加载时会通过我的scope.busdomain变量传递给父页面
controller('domainController', ['$scope', '$state', 'DomainNameService', function($scope, $state, DomainNameService) {
$scope.activeTab = 1;
$scope.childBD =[];
var statementTree = {};
<!--through this busdomain variable I am passing the values to parent html file but when I am passing the values added from child html to parent html page I am not getting the value recently added, this comes when i refresh the page(i need a way to reload this controller as the values from service reflects after refreshing the page or on reloading the page) -->
$scope.busdomain = DomainNameService.getBusDomainName();
<!--This is the method which i call on click of OK of child html -->
$scope.addSubTree = function(val){
var varType = "busDomain";
var busDomain=$scope.busdomain.name;
var parent = DomainNameService.getDomainName()[0];
<!--Adding the values got from child html page to service -->
<!--Redirecting to my parent page -->
$scope.getBusDomain = function(stType,parent,varType) {
return {node:[{name:parent}],name:parent, childNode:stType, refType: varType};
这是我的service.js 在这里,我存储了从子html页面获得的所有值。
app.factory('DomainNameService', function() {
var childDomainName=[];
<!--Adding the child html values through controller method -->
addChildBD: function(childBD){
<!--I get the recent values when the page is reload, this is the problem which i am facing -->
getChildBD: function(){
return childDomainName;