
时间:2015-05-21 07:39:39

标签: php mysql ajax session


  1. 如果没有经过身份验证的登录并且在浏览器关闭时会删除会话,我应该以某种方式安全地进行会话吗?或者在这种情况下是session_start()吗?
  2. 在add_to_cart.php中服务器端验证是否足够强大,是否有错误退出PHP代码的正确方法?
  3. 数据库查询是安全还是应该采取一些额外措施?
  4. 我的方法是否存在一些高安全隐患,我应该考虑到这一点?
  5. 提前致谢!所有帮助表示赞赏。此外,如果有人发现此购物车有用,请随意使用它。 :)


    // Check if session is created. If not, then create.
    if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {


    $host = "localhost";
    $db_name = "xx";
    $username = "xx";
    $password = "xx";
    try {
        $con = new PDO("mysql:host={$host};dbname={$db_name}", $username, $password);
        $con->exec("set names utf8");
    //to handle connection error
    catch(PDOException $exception){
        echo "Connection error: " . $exception->getMessage();


            $query = "SELECT id, name, price, image FROM shoes ORDER BY id";
            $stmt = $con->prepare( $query );
                    $num = $stmt->rowCount();
                    while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
                        echo "
                            <div class=\"item\">
                                <div class=\"product-id\">{$id}</div>
                                <div class=\"category\">shoes</div>
                                <div class=\"image\"> <img src=\"images/{$image}\" class=\"product-image\" alt=\"product\"/> </div>
                                <div class=\"name\"> {$name} </div>
                                <div class=\"price\"> {$price}</div>
                                <div class=\"quantity\"><input type=\"text\" value=\"1\" class=\"maara\" /></div>
                                <input type=\"button\" class=\"lisaa\" value=\"Lisää\"/>


    function add() {
    $(".lisaa").click(function(e) {
        var id = $(this).closest(".item").find(".product-id").text();
        var category = $(this).closest(".item").find('.category').text();
        var quantity = $(this).closest(".item").find('.maara').val();
        var action = "add";
            url: 'add_to_cart.php',
            type: 'POST',
            data: {'id': id, 'category': category, 'quantity': quantity, 'action': action},
                beforeSend: function() {
                complete: function() {
                success: function(data) {
                        if(data.indexOf("error") >= 0) {
                            $(".success, .errors").hide();
                        else {
                            $(".errors, .success").hide();
                error: function(request, status, error) {


    // Check server request method
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
    // Check if action is set
    if(isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : "") {
        // Check if action is "add"
        if($_POST['action'] == "add") {
            // Error variable.
            $error = "";
            // Success variable.
            $success = "";
            // VALIDATE ID
            if (isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : "") {
                // clean input
                $id = test_input($_POST["id"]);
                // Check if id is numerical
                if (!is_numeric($id)) {
                    // Show invalid ID as a return data
                    echo "error: Invalid ID. Not numerical.";
                    // Add a value to error variable
                    $error = "Error";
                    // Exit php
            // If id doesn't exist
            else {  
                // Show invalid ID as a return data
                echo "error: Invalid ID. Empty id.";
                // Add a value to error variable
                $error = "Error";
                // Exit php 
            // VALIDATE Category
            if (isset($_POST['category']) ? $_POST['category'] : "") {
                // clean input
                $category = test_input($_POST["category"]);
                // Category must match your product categories
                if(!preg_match('[shoes|shirts]', $category)) {
                        // Show invalid category as a return data
                        echo "error: invalid category.";
                        // Add a value to error variable        
                        $error = "Error";
                        // Exit php
            // If category doesn't exist
            else {
                // Show invalid category as a return data
                echo "error: Invalid category.";
                // Add a value to error variable    
                $error = "Error";
                // Exit php 
            // VALIDATE Quantity
            if (isset($_POST['quantity']) ? $_POST['quantity'] : "") {
                // clean input
                $quantity = test_input($_POST["quantity"]);
                    // Check if quantity is numerical
                    if (!is_numeric($quantity)) {
                        // Show invalid category as a return data
                        echo "error: Invalid quantity format.";
                        // Add a value to error variable
                        $error = "Error";
                        // Exit php
            // Check if errors are false 
            if ($error == false) {
                // Connect to database and select row from table, which matches category variable
                $query = "SELECT id, name, price, image FROM {$category} WHERE id={$id}";
                $stmt = $con->prepare( $query );
            else {
                // Show error as return data    
                echo "error: errors occurred with db.";
                // Add a value to error variable    
                $error = "Error";
                // Exit php     
            // Check if query contains a row
            if($stmt->rowCount() <= 0) {
                // Add a value to error variable
                $error = "Error";
                // exit php
            // Get values of the item, which matched our database search
            while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
                $name = $row['name'];
                $price = $row['price'];
                $image = $row['image'];
            // Check if session variable "cart" exists. If not, then create.
            if (!isset($_SESSION['cart']) || empty($_SESSION['cart']))
                $_SESSION['cart'] = array();
            // Check if array is set
            if(isset($_SESSION['cart']['id'])) {
            // If array is set, check if our product id exists in cart already
                if(in_array($id, $_SESSION['cart']['id'])) {
                    foreach($_SESSION['cart']['id'] as $key => $val)
                            if ($val == $id ) {
                                // Update product quantity
                                $_SESSION['cart']['quantity'][$key] = $quantity + $_SESSION['cart']['quantity'][$key];
                                // Show succesfull quantity update message as return data
                                echo "{$name} x {$quantity} quantity added";
                                // Add a value to success variable
                                $success = "{$name} x {$quantity} quantity added";
                                // Exit php
            // If product doesn't exist in cart and errors are false, add new item to cart
             if ($error == false) {
                $_SESSION['cart']['id'][] = $id;
                $_SESSION['cart']['category'][] = $category;
                $_SESSION['cart']['name'][] = $name;
                $_SESSION['cart']['price'][] = $price;
                $_SESSION['cart']['quantity'][] = $quantity;
                $_SESSION['cart']['image'][] = $image;
                // Show succesfully added message as return data
                echo "{$name} x {$quantity} succesfully added";
                // Add a value to success variable
                $success = "{$name} x {$quantity} succesfully added";
                // exit php


        function showcart() {
        // If cart variable is not empty, then do the following
        if(!empty($_SESSION['cart'])) {
            // Few variables, to collect total amount of items and total price
            $total = "";
            $counter = "";
            // Start shoppingcart div
            echo "<div class=\"shoppingcart\">";
                    // Loop through cart items
                    foreach ($_SESSION['cart']['id'] as $key => $value) {
                        // Add product's price into variable
                        $singleproduct = $_SESSION['cart']['price'][$key];
                        // Add product's quantity into variable
                        $quantityproduct = $_SESSION['cart']['quantity'][$key];
                        // Replace , with . to make calculations
                        $singleformat = str_replace(',' , '.' , $singleproduct);
                        // Count product's amount x quantity
                        $multipleproducts = $singleformat * $quantityproduct;
                        // Change number formatting
                        $multipleformat = number_format($multipleproducts, 2, ","," ");
                        // Create html output, which contains the product information
                        echo "<div class=\"shoppingcart-items\">";
                            echo("<div class=\"shoppingcart-image\"><img src=\"images/{$_SESSION['cart']['image'][$key]}\" class=\"shoppingcart-image\"/></div>");                          
                            echo("<div class=\"shoppingcart-itemname\">{$_SESSION['cart']['name'][$key]}</div>");
                            echo("<div class=\"shoppingcart-quantity\"> {$_SESSION['cart']['quantity'][$key]} x </div>");
                            echo("<div class=\"shoppingcart-price\"> {$multipleformat} €<br /> <span class=\"singleproduct-price\"> ({$singleproduct} / kpl)</span></div>");
                            // Calculate total price of products
                            $total += $singleformat * $quantityproduct;
                            // Calculate total items amount
                            $counter += $quantityproduct;
                            // Change total price number format
                            $totalsum = number_format($total, 2, ","," ");
                        echo "</div>";
                    // End foreach loop
            // End shopping cart div        
            echo "</div>";
            // Create bottom for shopping cart, which contains total amount of items and total price
            echo "<div class=\"shoppingcart-bottom\">
                        <div class=\"summa\"><a href=\"lomake.php\">Kori</a></div>
                        <div class=\"tuotteiden-maara\">{$counter} tuotetta <br />{$totalsum}  €</div>
        // if cart variable is empty, then show the following
        else {
            echo "<div class=\"shoppingcart\">";
                echo "ostoskori on tyhjä";
            echo "</div>";

    test_input function

        function test_input($data)
           $data = trim($data);
           $data = stripslashes($data);
           $data = htmlspecialchars($data);
           return $data;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 让您的购物车流程通过ssl层,即https协议。
  2. 确保您永远不会存储用户付款详细信息(数据库中的信用卡号等)
  3. 如果您正在寻找持卡人姓名等,请确保使用标准加密表格进行加密。