I have tried a program which download files parallely using java.nio by creating a thread per file download.
package com.java.tftp.nio;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.Selector;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* This class is used to download files concurrently from tftp server by
* configuring the filenames, no of files.
* @author SHRIRAM
public class TFTP_NIO_Client {
* destination folder
* */
private String destinationFolder;
* list of files names to download
* */
private List<String> fileNames;
* integer indicates the number of files to download concurrently
* */
private int noOfFilesToDownload;
public TFTP_NIO_Client(List<String> fileNames, String destinationFolder,
int noOfFilesToDownload) {
this.destinationFolder = destinationFolder;
this.fileNames = fileNames;
this.noOfFilesToDownload = noOfFilesToDownload;
* This method creates threads to register the channel to process download
* files concurrently.
* @param noOfFilesToDownload
* - no of files to download
private void initializeHandlers() {
for (int i = 0; i < noOfFilesToDownload; i++) {
try {
Selector aSelector = Selector.open();
SelectorHandler theSelectionHandler = new SelectorHandler(
aSelector, fileNames.get(i));
} catch (IOException e) {
* Setup RRQ/WRQ packet Packet : | Opcode | FileName | 0 | mode | 0 |
* Filename -> Filename in array of bytes. 0 -> indicates end of file mode
* -> string in byte array 'netascii' or 'octet'
* @param aOpcode
* @param aMode
* @param aFileName
* @throws IOException
private void sendRequest(int aOpcode, int aMode, String aFileName,
DatagramChannel aChannel, InetSocketAddress aAddress)
throws IOException {
// Read request packet
TFTPReadRequestPacket theRequestPacket = new TFTPReadRequestPacket();
theRequestPacket.constructReadRequestPacket(aFileName, aMode),
* sends TFTP ACK Packet Packet : | opcode | Block# | opcode -> 4 -> 2 bytes
* Block -> block number -> 2bytes
* @param aBlock
private ByteBuffer sendAckPacket(int aBlockNumber) {
// acknowledge packet
TFTPAckPacket theAckPacket = new TFTPAckPacket();
return theAckPacket.getTFTPAckPacket(aBlockNumber);
* This class is used to handle concurrent downloads from the server.
* */
public class SelectorHandler extends Thread {
private Selector selector;
private String fileName;
* flag to indicate the file completion.
* */
private boolean isFileReadFinished = false;
public SelectorHandler(Selector aSelector, String aFileName)
throws IOException {
this.selector = aSelector;
this.fileName = aFileName;
private void registerChannel() throws IOException {
DatagramChannel theChannel = DatagramChannel.open();
theChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
sendRequest(Constants.OP_READ, Constants.ASCII_MODE, fileName,
theChannel, new InetSocketAddress(Constants.HOST,
public void run() {
private void process() {
System.out.println("Download started for " + fileName + " ");
File theFile = new File(destinationFolder
+ fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("/")));
FileOutputStream theFout = null;
try {
theFout = new FileOutputStream(theFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
while (!isFileReadFinished) {
try {
if (selector.select() == 0) {
try {
// sleep 2sec was introduced because selector is
// thread safe but keys are not thread safe
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Set<SelectionKey> theSet = selector.selectedKeys();
Iterator<SelectionKey> theSelectedKeys = theSet.iterator();
synchronized (theSelectedKeys) {
while (theSelectedKeys.hasNext()) {
SelectionKey theKey = theSelectedKeys.next();
if (theKey.isReadable()) {
isFileReadFinished = read(theKey, theFout,
if (!isFileReadFinished) {
} else if (theKey.isWritable()) {
// there is no implementation for file write to
// server.
} catch (IOException ie) {
System.out.println("Download finished for " + fileName);
try {
if (selector.isOpen()) {
if (theFout != null) {
} catch (IOException ie) {
* @param aKey
* registered key for the selector
* @param aOutStream
* - file output stream to write the file contents.
* @return boolean
* @throws IOException
private boolean read(SelectionKey aKey, OutputStream aOutStream,
String aFileName) throws IOException {
DatagramChannel theChannel = (DatagramChannel) aKey.channel();
// data packet
TFTPDataPacket theDataPacket = new TFTPDataPacket();
ByteBuffer theReceivedBuffer = theDataPacket.constructTFTPDataPacket();
SocketAddress theSocketAddress = theChannel.receive(theReceivedBuffer);
byte[] theBuffer = theReceivedBuffer.array();
byte[] theDataBuffer = theDataPacket.getDataBlock();
if (theDataPacket.getOpCode() == Constants.OP_DATA) {
int theLimit = theDataPacket.getLimit();
// checks the limit of the buffer because a packet with data less
// than 512 bytes of content signals that it is the last packet in
// transmission for this particular file
if (theLimit != Constants.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
&& theLimit < Constants.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
byte[] theLastBlock = new byte[theLimit];
System.arraycopy(theBuffer, 0, theLastBlock, 0, theLimit);
// writes the lastblock
// sends an acknowledgment to the server using TFTP packet
// block number
.send(sendAckPacket((((theBuffer[2] & 0xff) << 8) | (theBuffer[3] & 0xff))),
if (theChannel.isOpen()) {
return true;
} else {
// sends an acknowledgment to the server using TFTP packet
// block number
.send(sendAckPacket((((theBuffer[2] & 0xff) << 8) | (theBuffer[3] & 0xff))),
return false;
} else if (Integer.valueOf(theBuffer[1]) == Constants.OP_ERROR) {
System.out.println("File : " + aFileName + " not found ");
return false;
* This method handles the error packet received from Server.
* @param aBuffer
private void handleError(ByteBuffer aBuffer) {
// Error packet
new TFTPErrorPacket(aBuffer);
Is it possible to download multiple files in parallel using java.nio by not creating a thread per file download? If yes can anybody suggest a solution to proceed further.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
创建一个Map M ,它将保存要下载的文件名和相应的Selector实例的映射。
对于 L 中的每个文件 F 从M获取与 F 对应的选择器SK 通过检查准备好的任何事件来处理Selector的状态。 如果处理完成,则将对应于 F 的选择器设置为空。这有助于识别文件 谁的 处理完成。或者,您可以删除 F 的→强>;这样,下次循环时,只处理尚未完全下载的文件。
上述说法,我很想知道你为什么要尝试这样的壮举?如果这个要求背后的思考过程是将线程数减少到1则那么它是不正确的。请记住,您最终会对运行的单个线程产生负担,并确保您的吞吐量不一定是最佳的,因为单个线程将同时处理网络和磁盘I / O.另外,考虑在将几个文件中的一个写入磁盘时遇到异常的情况 - 最终会中止所有文件的传输;我相信你不想要的东西。
更好,更可扩展的方法是在单个线程上轮询选择器,但将任何I / O活动移交给工作线程。更好的方法仍然是阅读Doug Lea's paper中提出的技术并实施它们。实际上Netty library已经实现了这种模式,并且在生产中被广泛使用。