包 服务器
import grails.converters.JSON
class TodoListController {def addItem() { def newItem = new Item(request.JSON) newItem.save(flush: true) render newItem as JSON } def index(){ render Item.list() as JSON } def updateList() { def newItem = Item.findById(request.JSON.id) newItem.name = request.JSON.name newItem.type = request.JSON.type newItem.priority = request.JSON.priority newItem.completed = request.JSON.completed newItem.comments = request.JSON.comments newItem.creator = request.JSON.creator newItem.assignedTo = request.JSON.assignedTo newItem.save(flush: true) render newItem as JSON } }
<!-------------------TO DO LIST JS----------------->
angular.module('todoApp', ['ngResource']) // Module for todolist
.controller('todoList', ['$scope', '$resource', function($scope, $resource) {
var serverList = $resource('http://localhost:8080/server/todoList/:command'); // Allow commands to be sent to grails app
$scope.items = serverList.query({command: 'index'});
$scope.usernames = [];
$scope.thing = ""; // Entering task default entry
$scope.priorityOptions = // List of priority options, name is used for listing options, id for priority color/sort
[{label: "Top Priority", id: 1},
{label: "Mid Priority", id: 2},
{label: "Low Priority", id: 3}];
$scope.worktypeOptions = // Different types of work options
[{label: "Work", id:1},
{label: "Personal", id:2}];
$scope.addusername = function(){
$scope.ToDoView = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.items.length; i++) {
if(($scope.items[i].creator != $scope.username) && ($scope.items[i].assignedTo != $scope.username)) {
$scope.items.splice(i, 1);
$scope.add = function(){ // Function used to add a value to list. Value has name, type, and priority.
{name: $scope.thing,
type: $scope.worktypeSelection,
priority: $scope.prioritySelection,
completed: false,
comments: '',
creator: $scope.username,
assignedTo: $scope.assign
$scope.thing = '';
$scope.items[$scope.items.length - 1] = serverList.save({command: 'addItem'}, $scope.items[$scope.items.length - 1]);
alert("Empty task is not allowed!");
$scope.updateList = function() {
angular.forEach($scope.items, function (item) {
serverList.save({command: 'updateList'}, item);
$scope.clear_all = function(){ // Sets "item" array to empty; deletes all.
$scope.items = [];
$scope.clear_selected = function(){
var itemstmp = $scope.items; // Keep items
$scope.items = []; // Clear list
angular.forEach(itemstmp, function(itemName){
然后,当用户单击“保存列表”按钮时,它应该更新服务器的JSON列表。这里的问题是我从Grails得到一个Null Pointer Exception,因为“无法为null对象定义名称”。我理解这里发生了什么(没有检测到对象被更新),但我不明白什么是错的。