public LatLng getCurrentLocation(Context context) {
try {
LocationManager locMgr = (LocationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
String locProvider = locMgr.getBestProvider(criteria, false);
Location location = locMgr.getLastKnownLocation(locProvider);
// getting GPS status
boolean isGPSEnabled = locMgr
// getting network status
boolean isNWEnabled = locMgr
if (!isGPSEnabled && !isNWEnabled) {
Log.v(TAG, "Network and GPS are unavailable");
// no network provider is enabled
return null;
} else {
// First get location from Network Provider
if (isNWEnabled) {
Log.v(TAG, "Network is enabled for getting the location");
if (locMgr != null) {
"Location manager is not null so fetch the location from network");
location = null;
location = locMgr
// if GPS Enabled get lat/long using GPS Services
if (isGPSEnabled) {
if (location == null) {
if (locMgr != null)
location = locMgr.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
return new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
} catch (NullPointerException ne) {
Log.e(TAG, "Current Lat Lng is Null");
return new LatLng(0, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new LatLng(0, 0);
在我使用android 4.4的Moto中,它工作得非常好但是在某些设备中它不会返回lat lng而我得到0,0这是在异常中返回的。 我需要改变以使其在所有设备中都正确。