
时间:2015-05-17 12:47:29

标签: twitter dynamic apache-camel consumer


from("direct:twitterinternal")   // body contains username as string
    .from("twitter://timeline/user?type=direct&user=" + "${body}")


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


from pylab import *
import multiprocessing as mp
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import time

#my system of differential equations
def myODE (yn,tvec,allpara):

    (x, y, z) = yn

    a, b = allpara['para']

    dx  = -x + a*y + x*x*y
    dy = b - a*y - x*x*y
    dz = x*y

    return (dx, dy, dz) 

#returns the index of the parameter combination, the parameters and the integrated solution
#this way I know which parameter combination belongs to which outcome in the asynch-case
def runMyODE(yn,tvec,allpara):
    return allpara['index'],allpara['para'],transpose(odeint(myODE, yn, tvec, args=(allpara,)))

#for reproducibility    

#time settings for integration
dt = 0.01
tmax = 50
tval = arange(0,tmax,dt)

numVar = 3 #number of variables (x, y, z)
numPar = 2 #number of parameters (a, b)
numComb = 5 #number of parameter combinations

INIT = zeros((numComb,numVar)) #initial conditions will be stored here
PARA = zeros((numComb,numPar)) #parameter combinations for a and b will be stored here

#create some initial conditions and random parameters
for combi in range(numComb):

    INIT[combi,:] = append(10*rand(2),0) #initial conditions for x and y are randomly chosen, z is 0

    PARA[combi,:] = 10*rand(2) #parameter a and b are chosen randomly

#################################using loop over apply####################

#results will be stored in here
asyncResultsApply = []

#my callback function
def saveResultApply(result):
    # storing the index, a, b and the final value of z
    asyncResultsApply.append((result[0], result[1], result[2][2,-1]))

#start the multiprocessing part
pool = mp.Pool(processes=4)
for combi in range(numComb):
    pool.apply_async(runMyODE, args=(INIT[combi,:],tval,{'para': PARA[combi,:], 'index': combi}), callback=saveResultApply)

for res in asyncResultsApply:
    print res[0], res[1], res[2] #printing the index, a, b and the final value of z

#######################################using map#####################
#the only difference is that the for loop is replaced by a "map_async" call
print "\n\nnow using map\n\n"
asyncResultsMap = []

#my callback function which is never called
def saveResultMap(result):
    # storing the index, a, b and the final value of z
    asyncResultsMap.append((result[0], result[1], result[2][2,-1]))

pool = mp.Pool(processes=4)
pool.map_async(lambda combi: runMyODE(INIT[combi,:], tval, {'para': PARA[combi,:], 'index': combi}), range(numComb), callback=saveResultMap)

#this does not work yet
for res in asyncResultsMap:
    print res[0], res[1], res[2] #printing the index, a, b and the final value of z


答案 1 :(得分:-1)

