
时间:2015-05-16 09:28:28

标签: .net vb.net user-controls typeconverter





Imports System.ComponentModel

Public Class IndicatorBar
    Private _Percentage As Double
    Private ReadOnly _BackGradient, _BarGradient As Gradient
    Private _Side As SourceSide


    <Description("Expand to set the colors of the background gradient."), Category("Appearance"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)>
    Public ReadOnly Property BackGradient As Gradient
            Return _BackGradient
        End Get
    End Property

    <Description("Expand to set the colors of the bar gradient."), Category("Appearance"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)>
    Public ReadOnly Property BarGradient As Gradient
            Return _BarGradient
        End Get
    End Property


    Private Sub IndicatorBar_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
        Dim backRect As New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)
        Dim maskRect As RectangleF
        Dim bar As New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)

        Select Case Side
            Case SourceSide.Left
                maskRect = New RectangleF(0, 0, Width * Percentage, Height)
            Case SourceSide.Top
                maskRect = New RectangleF(0, 0, Width, Height * Percentage)
            Case SourceSide.Right
                maskRect = New RectangleF(Width * (1.0 - Percentage), 0, Width * Percentage, Height)
            Case SourceSide.Bottom
                maskRect = New RectangleF(0, Height * (1.0 - Percentage), Width, Height * Percentage)
        End Select
        Using backGrad As New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(backRect, BackGradient.Color1, BackGradient.Color2, BackGradient.Angle)
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backGrad, backRect)
        End Using
        Using barGrad As New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(bar, BarGradient.Color1, BarGradient.Color2, BarGradient.Angle)
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(barGrad, bar)
        End Using
    End Sub
End Class


Imports System.ComponentModel

Public Class Gradient

    Private _Angle As UShort = 0
    Private _Color1, _Color2 As Color

    Public Sub New()
        Color1 = SystemColors.ControlLight
        Color2 = SystemColors.ControlLightLight
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color)
        Color1 = c1
        Color2 = c2
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal ang As UShort)
        Color1 = c1
        Color2 = c2
        Angle = ang
    End Sub

    <Browsable(True), NotifyParentProperty(True), RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.Repaint), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always)>
    Public Property Color1 As Color
            Return _Color1
        End Get
        Set(value As Color)
            _Color1 = value
        End Set
    End Property

    <Browsable(True), NotifyParentProperty(True), RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.Repaint), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always)>
    Public Property Color2 As Color
            Return _Color2
        End Get
        Set(value As Color)
            _Color2 = value
        End Set
    End Property

    <Browsable(True), NotifyParentProperty(True), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), DefaultValue(0)>
    Public Property Angle As UShort
            Return _Angle
        End Get
        Set(value As UShort)
            _Angle = value Mod 360
        End Set
    End Property
End Class


Public Class GradientConverter
    Inherits ExpandableObjectConverter

    Public Overrides Function ConvertTo(context As ITypeDescriptorContext, culture As Globalization.CultureInfo, value As Object, destinationType As Type) As Object
        If destinationType Is GetType(String) Then
            Return ""
        End If
        Return MyBase.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType)
    End Function
End Class

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

首先,启用Angle代码中有8个左右的隐式转换。我也改变了LinearGradientBrush类型。 UShort需要一个,但你有Gradient


由于IndicartorBar.BarGradient.ColorX属性本身是一个Type(类),因此您需要在子元素更改时通知父级。换句话说,在IndicatorBar中 - 您希望通知将 2级冒泡到执行绘画的NotifyParentProperty


解决方案是实施Public Class Gradient Implements INotifyPropertyChanged ... ' VS will add this when you press ENTER on the Implements line Public Event PropertyChanged(sender As Object, e As PropertyChangedEventArgs) Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged ... Public Property Color2 As Color Get Return _Color2 End Get Set(value As Color) If value <> _Color2 Then _Color2 = value RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs("Gradient")) End If End Set End Property ,这很简单,并且不会更改代码:


修改Color2IndicatorBar设置器以触发事件。然后在Public Class IndicatorBar ... ' I have no idea why these were ReadOnly Private WithEvents _BackGradient, _BarGradient As Gradient ... Private Sub _BackGradient_PropertyChanged(sender As Object, e As PropertyChangedEventArgs) Handles BackGradient.PropertyChanged, _BarGradient.PropertyChanged Me.Invalidate() End Sub 我们需要订阅该事件并回复:


现在,当颜色选择器下拉菜单关闭时Gradient上的任何UserControl发生更改时,Invalidate()将会收到通知,并且应该立即重新绘制控件{ {1}}。





Public Class GradientConverter
    Inherits ExpandableObjectConverter

    ' when the designer asks if we can convert to string,
    ' reply "Yes, I can!"
    Public Overrides Function CanConvertTo(context As ITypeDescriptorContext, 
                           destinationType As Type) As Boolean

        If destinationType Is GetType(String) Then
            Return True
        End If

        Return MyBase.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType)
    End Function

    Public Overrides Function ConvertTo(context As ITypeDescriptorContext,
                                        culture As Globalization.CultureInfo,
                                        value As Object,
                                        destinationType As Type) As Object
        If destinationType Is GetType(String) Then
            ' cast value to our Type
            Dim grad As Gradient = CType(value, Gradient)

            ' return the prop summary
            Return String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", grad.Angle.ToString,
        End If
        Return MyBase.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType)
    End Function
End Class


enter image description here

如果您想允许用户编辑3个子属性的字符串形式(例如,让他们键入&#34;蓝色&#34;通过其中一种颜色而不用扩展或打开{ {1}}属性,您必须实施Gradient / CanConvertFrom才能将文本转换为有效的属性值。
