使用Type vba时出现运行时错误91

时间:2015-05-15 01:51:19

标签: vba excel-vba excel


Public Type info
    nAtt As Integer
    nObs As Integer
    rngData As Range
End Type

我写了一个函数,目的是在输入标题的范围时返回3个对象(nAtt:属性数; nObs:观察数; rngData:相应核心数据的范围)

Public Function GetDatasetInfo(rng As Range) As info

    Dim sets As info

    Dim rowRef1 As Integer
    rowRef1 = rng.Row
    Dim colRef1 As Integer
    colRef1 = rng.Column
    Dim colRef2 As Integer
    colRef2 = colRef1 + rng.Columns.Count - 1

    Dim nAtt As Integer
    nAtt = rng.Columns.Count

    Dim nObs As Integer
    Dim rngOutput As Range
    If (Cells(rowRef1 + 1, rng.Column).Value = "") Then
        nObs = 0
        Set rngOutput = rng
        nObs = rng.Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown).Row - rowRef1
        Set rngOutput = Range(Cells(rowRef1 + 1, colRef1), _
                              Cells(rowRef1 + nObs, colRef2))
    End If

    With sets
        .nAtt = nAtt
        .nObs = nObs
        .rngData = rngOutput
    End With

    GetDatasetInfo = sets

End Function


Sub Main()

    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("rng1")

    Dim v1 As info
    v1 = GetDatasetInfo(rng)
    MsgBox v1.nObs


End Sub

代码运行良好,但未在函数中添加.rngData = rngOutput。并且错误消息表明此行有问题。


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