感谢Creating customer payment method with api上的帖子,我可以使用API成功创建新的付款方式。但我无法弄清楚如何更新或删除现有的付款方式。似乎没有任何类型的关键字段。我已使用API更新和删除了“联系人和位置”,但“联系人”具有联系人ID,而“位置”具有“位置ID”。它似乎不是一个PaymentMethodID。我想也许是"卡/账户号码"字段可能会起作用,但我无法完成这项工作。而且我注意到我可以保存两个具有相同卡号的付款方式,因此无论如何都会使用相同的密钥。
Public Function UpdateCreditCard(ByVal customerID As String, ByVal existingAcctNum As String, ByVal paymentMethodCode As String, ByVal CCNum As String, ByVal expiration As String, ByVal nameOnCard As String, ByVal active As Boolean)
Dim paymentMethod As AR303010Content = m_context.AR303010GetSchema()
' main level fields
Dim customerVal As Value = CreateValue(paymentMethod.PaymentMethodSelection.Customer, customerID)
Dim paymentMethodCodeVal As Value = CreateValue(paymentMethod.PaymentMethodSelection.PaymentMethod, paymentMethodCode)
' inner level fields
Dim ccNumName As Value = CreateValue(paymentMethod.PaymentMethodDetails.Description, "CCDNUM")
Dim ccNumValue As Value = CreateValue(paymentMethod.PaymentMethodDetails.Value, CCNum, True)
Dim ccExpName As Value = CreateValue(paymentMethod.PaymentMethodDetails.Description, "EXPDATE")
Dim ccExpValue As Value = CreateValue(paymentMethod.PaymentMethodDetails.Value, expiration, True)
Dim ccNameName As Value = CreateValue(paymentMethod.PaymentMethodDetails.Description, "NAMEONCC")
Dim ccNameValue As Value = CreateValue(paymentMethod.PaymentMethodDetails.Value, nameOnCard, True)
Dim saveCommands() As Command
If existingAcctNum = "" Then
' new credit card
saveCommands = {customerVal, paymentMethod.Actions.Insert, paymentMethodCodeVal, ccNumName, ccNumValue, ccExpName, ccExpValue, ccNameName, ccNameValue, paymentMethod.Actions.Save}
' existing credit card, only allow update of Active or expiration based on "description"
Dim descriptionVal As Value = CreateValue(paymentMethod.PaymentMethodDetails.Description, existingAcctNum)
Dim activeVal As Value = CreateValue(paymentMethod.PaymentMethodSelection.Active, active.ToString())
saveCommands = {customerVal, descriptionVal, ccExpName, ccExpValue, activeVal, paymentMethod.Actions.Save}
End If
Dim updateResult As AR303010Content() = m_context.AR303010Submit(saveCommands)
Return ""
End Function
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DAC,以便从UI访问PMInstanceID字段。这是通过将PXUIField属性附加到PMInstanceID字段来完成的:[PXUIField(DisplayName="Token ID", Visibility=PXUIVisibility.SelectorVisible)]
。之后,可以使用布局编辑器将该字段添加到屏幕。 处理CustomerPaymentMethod_RowSelected
protected void CustomerPaymentMethod_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected InvokeBaseHandler)
if(InvokeBaseHandler != null)
InvokeBaseHandler(cache, e);
// Force the payment method details to always be enabled to facilitate working via web services
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled(Base.Details.Cache, null, true);
// When adding a new method, field will have a temporary value corresponding to int.MinValue - don't show it
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible<CustomerPaymentMethod.pMInstanceID>(cache, e.Row, cache.GetStatus(e.Row) != PXEntryStatus.Inserted);
public int AddCreditCard(string customerID, string paymentMethod, string cardNumber, string expirationDate, string cvv, string nameOnCard)
if(_AR303010 == null) _AR303010 = _context.AR303010GetSchema();
var commands = new Command[]
new Value { Value = customerID, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.Customer },
new Value { Commit = true, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.Actions.Insert },
new Value { Value = paymentMethod, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.PaymentMethod },
new Value { Value = "CCDNUM", LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description },
new Value { Value = cardNumber, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value, Commit = true },
new Value { Value = "EXPDATE", LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description },
new Value { Value = expirationDate, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value, Commit = true},
new Value { Value = "CVV", LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description },
new Value { Value = cvv, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value, Commit = true },
new Value { Value = "NAMEONCC", LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description },
new Value { Value = nameOnCard, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value, Commit = true },
var result = _context.AR303010Submit(commands.ToArray());
return int.Parse(result[0].PaymentMethodSelection.TokenID.Value);
public void UpdateCreditCardExpirationDate(string customerID, string paymentMethod, int tokenID, string expirationDate)
if (_AR303010 == null) _AR303010 = _context.AR303010GetSchema();
var commands = new Command[]
new Value { Value = customerID, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.Customer },
new Value { Commit = true, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.Actions.Insert },
new Value { Value = paymentMethod, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.PaymentMethod },
new Value { Value = tokenID.ToString(), LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.TokenID },
new Value { Value = "EXPDATE", LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description },
new Value { Value = expirationDate, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value, Commit = true},
var result = _context.AR303010Submit(commands.ToArray());
public void MakeCardInactive(string customerID, string paymentMethod, int tokenID)
if (_AR303010 == null) _AR303010 = _context.AR303010GetSchema();
var commands = new Command[]
new Value { Value = customerID, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.Customer },
new Value { Commit = true, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.Actions.Insert },
new Value { Value = paymentMethod, LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.PaymentMethod },
new Value { Value = tokenID.ToString(), LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.TokenID },
new Value { Value = "False", LinkedCommand = _AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.Active },
var result = _context.AR303010Submit(commands.ToArray());
var paymentMethodManager = new PaymentMethodManager(context);
int tokenID = paymentMethodManager.AddCreditCard("ABARTENDE", "MASTERCARD", "5111111111111118", "122016", "123", "John Doe");
paymentMethodManager.UpdateCreditCardExpirationDate("ABARTENDE", "MASTERCARD", tokenID, "032017");
paymentMethodManager.MakeCardInactive("ABARTENDE", "MASTERCARD", tokenID);