this.detectQRCode = function(imageData, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
client.decode(imageData, function(result) {
if(result !== undefined) {
self.currentUrl = result;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
import Queue
from Queue import Empty
import threading
import sys
import time
def get_input():
print("Started the listening thread")
for line in iter(sys.stdin.readline, ''):
print("line arrived to put on the queue\n")
print("Hi, I'm here via popen")
q = Queue.Queue()
threading.Thread(name = 'input-getter',
target = get_input).start()
print("stdin listener Thread created and started")
# Read off the queue - note it's being filled asynchronously based on
# When it receives messages. I set the read interval below to 2 seconds
# to illustrate the queue filling and emptying.
while True:
print('Queue size is',q.qsize())
print('input:', q.get_nowait())
except Empty:
print('no input')
print("Past my end of code...")
D:\>echo "In the bat cave (script)"
"In the bat cave (script)"
D:\>python myapp.py
Hi, I'm here via popen
Started the listening threadstdin listener Thread created and started
line arrived to put on the queue
line arrived to put on the queue
('Queue size is', 2)
('input:', 'my message\n')
line arrived to put on the queue
line arrived to put on the queue
('Queue size is', 3)
('input:', 'my message\n')
line arrived to put on the queue
line arrived to put on the queue
('Queue size is', 4)
('input:', 'my message\n')
line arrived to put on the queue
line arrived to put on the queue
('Queue size is', 5)
('input:', 'my message\n')
line arrived to put on the queue
line arrived to put on the queue
D:\>('Queue size is', 6)
('input:', 'my message\n')
('Queue size is', 5)
('input:', 'my message\n')
('Queue size is', 4)
('input:', 'my message\n')
('Queue size is', 3)
('input:', 'my message\n')
('Queue size is', 2)
('input:', 'my message\n')
('Queue size is', 1)
('input:', 'my message\n')
('Queue size is', 0)
no input
('Queue size is', 0)
no input
('Queue size is', 0)
no input
if(typeof(callback) == "undefined") callback = function(){};