This is a long page, so I will attach the full documentation, but summarize here. I have a series of map elements that when clicked, are supposed to active a description page. The relevant code is:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [uyeler]
WHERE [Kimlik] = ?"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [uyeler]
([Kimlik], [uye_ad], [uye_soyad], [kadi], [sifre], [mail], [tc])
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>"
SELECT * FROM [uyeler]
WHERE ([mail] = ?)"
UPDATE [uyeler]
SET [uye_ad] = ?, [uye_soyad] = ?, [kadi] = ?, [sifre] = ?, [mail] = ?, [tc] = ?
WHERE [Kimlik] = ?
The show Panel function is:
<map id="mapg0" onclick="showPanel('pecheislandrear')" style="position:fixed; z:2">
<area shape="poly" coords="11,13,13,11,14,11,14,3,12,1,11,0,3,0,1,2,0,3,0,11,2,13,3,14,11,14" alt="" title="Peche Island Rear Range" id="mapg0_1">
<img alt="Peche Island Rear Range" onclick="showPanel('pecheislandrear')" usemap="#mapg0" src="LakeErie1_files/reddot.png" id="imageg0" style="position:absolute; z:1; left:210.258015267px; top:348.347527764px; width:14px;height:14px;">
<map id="mapg1" onclick="showPanel('stclairflatsfront')" style="position:fixed; z:2">
<area shape="poly" coords="11,13,13,11,14,11,14,3,12,1,11,0,3,0,1,2,0,3,0,11,2,13,3,14,11,14" alt="" title="St. Clair Flats front Range" id="mapg1_1">
Even if I insert an "alert" dialog at the start of this, the alert doesn't show. But, if I substitute
function showPanel (panelId)
document.getElementById(panelId).style.visibility = 'visible';
I get the alert, so the "onclick" is acting. The other piece of this s the panel I wish to active:
<map id="mapg0" onclick="alert ('pecheislandrear')"
The entire htm is attached for review.enter link description here I would appreciate guidance. A test case with only 2 objects worked. The longer case with 68 does not and I have been unable to discern the difference.
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if you put -- Some sample data.
declare @Transactions as Table
( TransactionId Int Identity, TransactionDate Date, Value Int );
insert into @Transactions ( TransactionDate, Value ) values
( '20141125', 10 ), ( '20150311', 20 ), ( '20150315', 5 ), ( '20150509', 42 );
select * from @Transactions;
-- Determine the first and last dates involved.
Range as (
select Min( TransactionDate ) as FirstDate, Max( TransactionDate ) as LastDate
from @Transactions ),
-- Generate a set of all of the months in the range.
Months as (
select DateAdd( month, DateDiff( month, 0, FirstDate ), 0 ) as Month,
DateAdd( month, DateDiff( month, 0, LastDate ), 0 ) as LastMonth
from Range
union all
select DateAdd( month, 1, Month ), LastMonth
from Months
where Month < LastMonth )
-- Summarize the transactions.
select M.Month, Coalesce( Sum( T.Value ), 0 ) as Total
from Months as M left outer join
@Transactions as T on DateAdd( month, DateDiff( month, 0, T.TransactionDate ), 0 ) = M.Month
group by M.Month
order by M.Month
option ( MaxRecursion 1000 );
inside alert()
does that run? what if you try this: