My page has a table with a checkbox in the first column. I want to check the box in each row up to a given number. I can do this in watir-webdriver, but not with page-object; possibly due to the HTML structure.
HTML - edited for relevancy (there is more than one table in the page; note this table element has no identifying attributes):
I can click the correct control using watir-webdriver:
<div id="other-students">
<div class="table-wrapper">
<input id="select-all" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid" type="checkbox" ng-click="otherStudentsWidget.toggleAll(selectAll)" ng-model="selectAll">
<tbody class="ng-hide" ng-show="!studentsFetched || !otherStudents.length">
<tr class="loading-row ng-hide" ng-show="!studentsFetched">
<td colSpan="4">Loading students...</td>
<tr class="loading-row" ng-show="studentsFetched">
<td colSpan="4">No students</td>
<tbody style="display: table-row-group;" class="ng-isolate-scope" student-widget="" students="otherStudents" show-highlighting="true" checked-students="checkedOtherStudents" api="otherStudentsWidget">
<input id="student-widget-0-13233" type="checkbox">
<label for="student-widget-0-13233">Test</label></td>
<label for="student-widget-0-13233">Student</label></td>
<!-- rest of the table rows omitted for brevity -->
My pageObject class (including numerous attempts of failing code, which have been commented out). I have tried to check the box directly, and by first finding the row in the table.
@browser.div(:id => 'other-students').div(:class => 'table-wrapper').table[3][0].checkbox.set
I've made many attempts to get this working. How can I use page-object to check the box?
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checkboxes(:student_widget, id: /student-widget/)
def tick_students(n)
self.student_widget_elements.each_with_index do |cb, i|
cb.check if i < n