Android Master/Detail flow

时间:2015-05-12 22:55:23

标签: java android android-fragments spinner master-detail

I am new to Android and I guess need you help. I am using Master-detail flow template in the app. So my question is how can I assign array like $('#ExpectedDatetimeStamp').val(result); to the labels String[] ITmoduleNames = new String[]{"FES1", "FES 2", "FES 3", "CIT", "Business Math", "Business Studies", "Web Design", "Databases", "System Analysis", "Coding"}; @+id/editText1 etc. when IT option is pressed. When choosing other option different array. Do I have to use spinner?

I have looked so far manipulating Detail fragment Views in Activity

Android - configure Spinner to use array

Android: How to bind spinner to custom object list?

My Main fragment content:



static {
        // Add 7 sample items.
        addItem(new Programme("1", "IT"));
        addItem(new Programme("2", "Law"));
        addItem(new Programme("3", "Engineering"));
        addItem(new Programme("4", "Business"));
        addItem(new Programme("5", "Art"));
        addItem(new Programme("6", "Humanities"));
        addItem(new Programme("7", "Science"));


    private static void addItem(Programme item) {
        ITEM_MAP.put(, item);

Which looks like

0 个答案:
