Unable to connect to Docker Nginx build

时间:2015-05-12 22:36:23

标签: nginx docker boot2docker dockerfile

I am trying to host a simple static site using the Docker Nginx Image from Dockerhub: https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/nginx/

A note on my setup, I am using boot2docker on OSX.

I have followed the instructions and even I cannot connect to the running container:

.exec { session =>
   for {
     existingList <- session("existingList").validate[List[Int]]
     // the value you extracted is a String, not an Int
     value_to_be_appended <- session("value_to_be_appended").validate[String]
   } yield session.set("existingList", existingList ::: List(value_to_be_appended))

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

Instead of localhost, use boot2docker ip. First do SELECT name, xtype, colid, text into #CodeBlocks FROM dbo.sysobjects left join .dbo.syscomments ON dbo.sysobjects.id = .dbo.syscomments.id where xtype = 'P' order by 1 SELECT name, (SELECT convert(varchar(max),text) FROM #CodeBlocks t2 WHERE t1.name = t2.name ORDER BY t2.colid FOR XML PATH('') ) text into #AllCode FROM #CodeBlocks t1 GROUP BY name select #AllCode.name, case when InterProc.name is not null then 'Possible Inter-Proc Nesting' when #AllCode.text like '%CURSOR%FOR%CURSOR%FOR%DEALLOCATE%DEALLOCATE%' then 'Possible Nested Cursor' when #AllCode.text like '%CURSOR%FOR%CURSOR%FOR%' then 'Possible Multiple Cursor Used' ELSE 'Possible Cursor Used' end from #AllCode left join #AllCode InterProc on InterProc.text like '%CURSOR%FOR%' and #AllCode.text like '%CURSOR%FOR%' + InterProc.name + '%DEALLOCATE%' where #AllCode.text like '%CURSOR%FOR%' and use that ip: boot2docker ip. Also you need to make sure you forwarded your port 8080 in VirtualBox for boot2docker.

答案 1 :(得分:1)

以下是连接nginx docker容器服务的方法:

docker ps            # confirm nginx is running, which you have done.
docker port wargames-front-end  # get the ports, for example: 80/tcp,>8080/tcp, 443/tcp
boot2docker ip       # get the IP address, for example:


答案 2 :(得分:0)


docker kill wargames-front-end
docker rm wargames-front-end
docker run --name wargames-front-end -d -p 8080:80 wargames-front-end


enter image description here