How do I make wget follow php links that redirect

时间:2015-05-12 22:35:57

标签: php web wget

I have read about this problem in countless places, but can't find a working solution (or explaination as to why it won't work) for my specific question.

I have a url with countless links on it. ex: (href="somelink.php", href="somelink2.php", href="somelink3.html")

I am trying to use wget to follow every link and grab every image contained within my site.


This works great until it comes around the following:

wget -P /path/to/save -H -r -nc -l2 -A".jpg,.JPG" -erobots=off ""

I cannot make it follow this type of link no matter what options I try. If I type the paths manually it will follow and grab the images correctly but there are hundreds of these links and doing each one manually is not really an option.

href="out.php?t= of File&fc=1&p=100"

How can I make wget recursively follow such links so I don't have to manually type each url?

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