设置OpenFrameworks Eclipse ADT时出错?

时间:2015-05-12 22:07:34

标签: android eclipse adt openframeworks

当我尝试使用ADT插件在Eclipse中使用Android设置OF时出现错误。我已经按照Open Frameworks网站上的指南进行了操作。下面是我尝试编译Empty示例时控制台输出的最后一部分:

compressing and copying resources from bin/data into res
cd /Users/sidatre/Google Drive/Scripts and Programs/OpenFrameworks/android/examples/android/androidEmptyExample/; \
    if [ -d "bin/data" ]; then \
        mkdir -p res/raw; \
        rm res/raw/google scripts and androidemptyexampleresources.zip; \
        if [ "darwin-x86_64" = "windows" ]; then \
            echo "Windows Platform. Running Zip..."; \
            cmd //c ..\\..\\..\\libs\\openFrameworksCompiled\\project\\android\\windows\\zip -r ./res/raw/google scripts and androidemptyexampleresources.zip ./bin/data/ && exit; \
        else \
/bin/sh: line 0: cd: /Users/sidatre/Google: No such file or directory
            cd bin/data; \
            zip -r ../../res/raw/google scripts and androidemptyexampleresources.zip *; \
            cd ../..; \
        fi; \
copying debugging binaries for armv5 armv7 neon x86
create gdb.setup for armeabi
create gdb.setup for armeabi-v7a
create gdb.setup for x86
creating Android.mk and Application.mk
#@echo updating ofAndroidLib project
#@cd ../../../addons/ofxAndroid/ofAndroidLib; \
    #if [ "darwin-x86_64" = "windows" ]; then \
    #   cmd //c /Users/sidatre/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android.bat update project --target android-17 --path .; \
    #else \
    #   /Users/sidatre/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android update project --target android-17 --path .; \
#@echo updating current project
#@cd /Users/sidatre/Google Drive/Scripts and Programs/OpenFrameworks/android/examples/android/androidEmptyExample/; \
    #if [ "darwin-x86_64" = "windows" ]; then \
    #   cmd //c /Users/sidatre/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android.bat update project --target android-17 --path .; \
    #else \
    #   /Users/sidatre/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android update project --target android-17 --path .; \
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `Scripts'.  Stop.
make: *** [Release] Error 2


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

I realized that the issue was with my folder structure, as the parent folder was called <label for="secret_checkbox">Click to open/close menu</label> <input type="checkbox" id="secret_checkbox" /> <div id="menu">Hello!</div> and the spaces between the words was interfering with the Scripts and Programs process. Renaming the folder to make fixed my issue.