
时间:2015-05-12 18:10:55

标签: c++ qt networking asynchronous

只要一次只发送一个请求,我的服务器代码就可以正常工作。数据流如下:客户端执行某些操作,例如单击按钮,数据将发送到服务器。类型uint16_t的标头前置于此数据,以便服务器知道可用于读取此一个请求的字节中有多少字节 - 我认为这个解决方案可以解决我遇到的问题。在服务器上,我将readyRead信号从QTcpSocket连接到一个读取标题的函数,如下所示:

void Server::getHeader(){    
    QTcpSocket *client = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket *>(sender());
        if (!client)

    forever {
        int N = sizeof(uint16_t);
        qint64 bytes = client->bytesAvailable();
        if (bytes < N) break;
        QByteArray buf = client->read(N);
        emit hasData(buf, client); //contains the number of bytes in the stream for this request and a reference to the current client

hasData信号将触发一个与getHeader函数执行相同操作的函数,但会等待bytes个字节数而不是{{1} }字节可用。一旦它看到所需的字节数可用,它会从流中读取许多字节并将它们存储在sizeof(uint16_t)中,然后将其发送到一个能够理解数据(发生问题的地方)的函数,如这样:


我将此代码放入try / catch以防止服务器崩溃。它现在并不意味着描述性。如果我把它拿出来,一旦我尝试访问应该在void Server::handleConnection(std::string serverReceiveBuf, QTcpSocket *client){ receivedData data; //a struct that organizes the data to be easily readable by a human QString stringBuilder; try{ data.activityID = serverReceiveBuf.at(0); data.stringCount = serverReceiveBuf.at(1); int i, j = 2, //placeholder for next slot to be used in the receive buffer k = 0; for (i = 0; i < data.stringCount; i++){ //while there are strings whose lengths we need to document data.stringLength.insert(i, serverReceiveBuf.at(2+i)); j++; } while(k < data.stringCount){ //while there are strings in the buffer to be put into the data structure i = 0; while(i < data.stringLength.at(k)){ //while there are characters in the buffer to be built into a string stringBuilder.append(serverReceiveBuf.at(j)); j++; i++; } //we have assembled a string from chars in the buffer //now we put them into the struct data.stringData << stringBuilder; stringBuilder = ""; //empty string builder for next string. k++; } } catch(std::exception e){ qDebug() << "[" << currentTime() << "] " << "An undefined buffer error occurred."; } //Handle based on activity ID } 中的数据,服务器就会崩溃 - 从可用字节流中读取的字符串 - 因为它是空的。使用try / catch块,当一个处理器仍在处理时发送的任何请求都将被忽略,并且错误消息将显示在服务器控制台上。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

        int N = sizeof(uint16_t);
        qint64 bytes = client->bytesAvailable();
        if (bytes < N) break;
        QByteArray buf = client->read(N);
        emit hasData(buf, client); //contains the number of bytes in the stream for this request and a reference to the current client

Qt是事件驱动的,依赖于处理信号的事件,例如你的emit hasData调用。

假设您的服务器收到的数据大于uint16_t的大小(很可能),服务器将陷入永久循环,无法处理自己的事件,例如处理对emit hasData的调用。 / p>

您可以通过在循环底部添加对QApplication :: processEvents()的调用来测试这一点,以确保处理Qt事件。理想情况下,您不应该使用该函数,而是重构代码,以便从函数中正常返回,直到收到更多数据进行处理。