我有一个名为x,y,z位置数据的矩阵。 我使用pdist计算了所有点之间的距离,得到了矩阵'out',它具有x的diff,y的diff和z的diff以及它们对应的行。
A= data;
D1= pdist(A(:,1));
D2= pdist(A(:,2));
D3= pdist(A(:,3));
D = [D1' D2' D3'];
tmp = ones(size(A,1));
tmp = tril(tmp,-1);
[rowIdx,colIdx ] = find(tmp);
out = [D,A(rowIdx,:),A(colIdx,:)];
我想计算满足某些条件的所有点的平均值: diff z< 7和diff x和diff y< 4。
a= find (out(:,3)>0);
b= cal(:,3)<7;
cal2 = cal(b,:);
[s,k]= size (cal2);
for i=1:s
if (cal2(i,1) < 4) && (cal2(i,2) < 4);
xmean = mean (cal2(i,[4,7]));
ymean = mean (cal2(i,[5,8]));
zmean = mean (cal2(i,[6,9]));
fd = [xmean ymean zmean];
我的最终目标是得到一个点列表,在那里我可以获得其(diff z> 7)+的点(diff z <7的点的平均值,而diff x&lt; 4和diff y <4)+(diff z <7但diff x和diff y> 4)。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
假设您想要所有点的平均值,其中diffZ&lt; 7,diffX&lt; 4和diffY&lt; 4。假设out
%# this is true for all points you want to average
condition = out(:,1) > 4 & out(:,2) > 4 & out(:,3) < 7;
%# get coordinates satisfying the condition; create a 2n-by-3 array
coords = [out(condition, 4:6);out(condition, 7:9)];
%# if you don't want to count coordinates multiple times when taking the average, run
%# coords = unique(coords,'rows');
%# average
meanCoordinates = mean(coords,1);
答案 1 :(得分:0)
A = [0,0,0;0,0,5;0,0,10];
% create matrices with the distances
% [p1-p1, p1-p2, p1-p3;
% p2-p1, p2-p2, p2-p3;
% p3-p1, p3-p2, p3-p3];
dx= squareform(pdist(A(:,1)));
dy= squareform(pdist(A(:,2)));
dz= squareform(pdist(A(:,3)));
% dz = [0,5,10;5,0,5;10,5,0];
% select all points stisfying condition
idx = dx < 4 & dy < 4 & dz < 7;
% remove entries of the main diagonal
idx(sub2ind(size(idx),1:size(A,1),1:size(A,1))) = 0;
% select all indices. Since all distances are 2 times in the full matrix,
% only r or c is needed
[r,c] = find(idx==1);
% r = [2,1,3,2]; c = [1,2,2,3]
meanOfPoints = mean(A(r,:))