
时间:2015-05-11 16:40:31

标签: linux memory

我有一台128 GB RAM的计算机,运行Linux(3.19.5-200.fc21.x86_64)。但是,我不能在一个进程中分配超过~30 GB的RAM。除此之外,malloc失败了:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>

int main()
   size_t gb_in_bytes = size_t(1)<<size_t(30); // 1 GB in bytes (2^30).
   // try to allocate 1 block of 'i' GB.
   for (size_t i = 25; i < 35; ++ i) {
      size_t n = i * gb_in_bytes;
      void *p = ::malloc(n);
      std::cout << "allocation of 1 x " << (n/double(gb_in_bytes)) << " GB of data. Ok? " << ((p==0)? "nope" : "yes") << std::endl;


/tmp> c++ mem_alloc.cpp && a.out

allocation of 1 x 25 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 26 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 27 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 28 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 29 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 30 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 31 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 32 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 33 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 34 GB of data. Ok? nope


~> ulimit -all
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) 32505856

我可以通过ulimit -v 64000000将此限制增加到~64 GB,但不能进一步增加。除此之外,我得到operation not permitted错误:

~> ulimit -v 64000000
~> ulimit -v 65000000                                                                                                                                  
bash: ulimit: virtual memory: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted                                                                              
~> ulimit -v unlimited
bash: ulimit: virtual memory: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted 


有没有办法完全解除每个进程的虚拟内存限制,或者将其增加到64 GB以上?我想在一个应用程序中使用所有物理内存。


  • 在Ingo Leonhardt之后,我以root身份登录后尝试ulimits -v unlimited,而不是标准用户。这样做可以解决root的问题(程序可以在以root用户身份登录时分配所有物理内存)。但这仅适用于root,不适用于其他用户。但是,至少这意味着内核原则上可以处理这个问题,并且只存在配置问题。

  • 关于limits.conf:我尝试明确添加

    • 艰难无限
    • 软无限

    /etc/security/limits.conf,然后重新启动。这没有效果。以标准用户身份登录后,ulimit -v仍会返回大约32 GB,而ulimit -v 65000000仍然会显示permission denied(而ulimit -v 64000000有效)。 limits.conf的其余部分已被注释掉,并且在/etc/security/limits.d中只有一个其他不相关的条目(对于非root用户,将nproc限制为4096)。也就是说,虚拟内存限制必须来自limits.conf之外的其他地方。还有什么想法会导致ulimits -v不能“无限制”?

EDIT /解决方案:

  • 这是我自己的愚蠢造成的。我的用户设置中有一个(很久以前忘记的)程序,它使用setrlimit来限制每个进程的内存量,以防止Linux交换死亡。它无意中从32 GB机器复制到128 GB机器。感谢Paul和Andrew Janke以及其他所有人帮助追踪它。对不起大家:/。

  • 如果有其他人遇到此问题:在bash和配置文件设置中搜索ulimit/setrlimit,以及可能调用这些设置的程序(包括您自己和系统范围/等设置),并确保{{ 1}}不包含此限制...(或至少尝试创建新用户,以查看是否在您的用户或系统设置中发生这种情况)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)

这是一个ulimit和系统设置问题,而不是c ++问题。

我可以在Amazon EC2实例类型r3.4xlarge上运行经过适当修改的代码,没有任何问题。这些在现货市场的成本不到0.20美元/小时,所以我建议你租一个,也许在/ etc中查看并与你自己的设置进行比较......或者你可能需要重新编译Linux内核才能使用它很多记忆...但它不是C ++或gcc问题。


$ sudo su
# ulimit -u
--> unlimited


# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:     125903992    1371828  124532164        344      22156     502248
-/+ buffers/cache:     847424  125056568
Swap:            0          0          0



root@ip-10-203-193-204:/home/ubuntu# ./memtest
allocation of 1 x 25 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 26 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 27 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 28 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 29 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 30 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 31 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 32 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 33 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 34 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 35 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 36 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 37 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 38 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 39 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 40 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 41 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 42 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 43 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 44 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 45 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 46 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 47 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 48 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 49 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 50 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 51 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 52 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 53 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 54 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 55 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 56 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 57 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 58 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 59 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 60 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 61 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 62 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 63 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 64 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 65 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 66 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 67 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 68 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 69 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 70 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 71 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 72 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 73 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 74 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 75 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 76 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 77 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 78 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 79 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 80 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 81 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 82 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 83 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 84 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 85 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 86 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 87 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 88 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 89 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 90 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 91 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 92 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 93 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 94 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 95 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 96 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 97 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 98 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 99 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 100 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 101 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 102 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 103 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 104 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 105 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 106 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 107 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 108 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 109 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 110 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 111 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 112 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 113 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 114 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 115 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 116 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 117 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 118 GB of data. Ok? yes
allocation of 1 x 119 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 120 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 121 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 122 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 123 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 124 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 125 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 126 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 127 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 128 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 129 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 130 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 131 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 132 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 133 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 134 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 135 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 136 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 137 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 138 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 139 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 140 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 141 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 142 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 143 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 144 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 145 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 146 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 147 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 148 GB of data. Ok? nope
allocation of 1 x 149 GB of data. Ok? nope
