Spring Data MongoDB映射异常

时间:2015-05-11 14:08:54

标签: java spring mongodb spring-data-mongodb

在持久保存我的对象时,Spring Data Mongo 1.2.3.RELEASE出现了一个奇怪的问题。跟踪中有一部分:

2015-05-11 11:43:08.431 ERROR 2552 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/].
[dispatcherServlet]    : Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] 
in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested 
exception is org.springframework.data.mapping.model.MappingException: 
Ambiguous field mapping detected! Both private int 
java.text.NumberFormat.maximumIntegerDigits and private int 
java.text.DecimalFormat.maximumIntegerDigits map to the same field name 
maximumIntegerDigits! Disambiguate using @Field annotation!] with root cause

Ambiguous field mapping detected! Both private int 
java.text.NumberFormat.maximumIntegerDigits and private int 
java.text.DecimalFormat.maximumIntegerDigits map to the same field name 
maximumIntegerDigits! Disambiguate using @Field annotation!


@Document(collection = "gab")
public class Gab implements Serializable{
private String numero;
private String nom;
private String ip;
private CustomDate gabLastConnected;
// Getters and setters .... 


public class CustomDate {
private DateFormat format;

private Date date;

private Long annee;
private Long mois;
private Long jour;
private Long heure;
private Long minute;
private Long seconde;
// Getters ans setters 

调用Mongo Repository持久性的其余方法:

public class UsersController {
UserRepository userRepository;
private GabRepository gabRepository;
@RequestMapping(value = "/gab/ping", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void ping_gab(Authentication authentication,HttpServletRequest request){
    System.err.println("num GAB " + authentication.getName());
    Gab g = gabRepository.findOne(authentication.getName());
    Gab s = new Gab(g.getNumero());
    s.setGabLastConnected(new CustomDate(new Date()));

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