Sub Bouton3_Cliquer()
Dim O1 As Worksheet 'déclare la variable O1 (Onglet 1)
Dim O2 As Worksheet 'déclare la variable O2 (Onglet 2)
Dim TC As Variant 'déclare la variable TC (Tableau de Cellules)
Dim D As Object 'déclare la variable D (Dictionnaire)
Dim I As Integer 'déclare la variable I (Incrément)
Dim TMP As Variant 'déclare la variable TMP (tableau TeMPoraire)
Dim TL() As Variant 'déclare la variable TL (Tableau de Lignes)
Dim K As Integer 'déclare la variable K (incrément)
Dim PL As Integer 'déclare la variable PL (Première Ligne)
Dim J As Integer 'déclare la variable J (incrément)
Dim L As Byte 'déclare la variable L (incrément)
Set O1 = Sheets("Feuil1")
Set O2 = Sheets("evaluations")
TC = O1.Range("B1").CurrentRegion
Set D = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For I = 4 To UBound(TC, 1)
D(TC(I, 1)) = ""
Next I
TMP = D.keys
TC = O2.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
For I = 0 To UBound(TMP, 1)
Erase TL 'efface le tableau TL
K = 1 'initialise la variable K
PL = O1.Columns(2).Find(TMP(I), O1.Range("B3"), xlValues, xlWhole).Row
For J = 2 To UBound(TC, 1)
If TC(J, 1) = TMP(I) Then
ReDim Preserve TL(1 To UBound(TC, 2) - 1, 1 To K)
For L = 1 To UBound(TC, 2) - 1
TL(L, K) = TC(J, L + 1)
Next L
K = K + 1 '
End If 'fin de la condition
Next J
If K > 1 Then O1.Cells(PL, 16).Resize(UBound(TL, 2), UBound(TL, 1)).Value = Application.Transpose(TL)
Next I '
End Sub
If K > 1 Then
O1.Cells(PL, 16).Resize(UBound(TL, 2), _
UBound(TL, 1)).Value = Application.Transpose(TL)