C ++将结构字符串保存到文本文件中

时间:2015-05-10 22:55:28

标签: c++ arrays struct



// Used for Highscores
struct highscore
    char name[10]; 
    int zombiesKilled; 

    // I would like these to be a single variable        
    int clockMin;
    int clockSec;

    char Date[10];

// I write the data like this:
highscore data;
// ...
data[playerScore].clockMin = clockData.minutes;
data[playerScore].clockSec = clockData.seconds;

streaming = fopen( "Highscores.dat", "wb" );
fwrite( data, sizeof(data), 1 , streaming); 
// ...

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您似乎只想使用C&#39 {s} std::string功能将C字符串或fwrite()写入文件。


//It appears you want to use C-style file I/O
FILE* file = NULL;
fopen("Highscores.dat", "wb");

//std::string has an internal C-string that you can access
std::string str = "01:00";
fwrite(str.c_str(), sizeof(char), sizeof(str.c_str()), file);
//You can also do this with regular C strings if you know the size.

我们也可以选择尝试使用C ++风格的文件I / O来实现更清晰的界面。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

int main() {
    std::string str = "00:11";

    std::ofstream file("example.txt");

    if (file.good()) {
        file << str;
        std::cout << "Wrote line to file example.txt.\n";

    //Let's check if we actually wrote the file.
    std::ifstream read("example.txt");
    std::string buffer;

    if (read.good())
        std::cout << "Opened example.txt.\n";
    while(std::getline(read, buffer)) {
        std::cout << buffer;

    return 0;



file << data_struct;

那么为std :: ostream创建一个运算符重载是有意义的。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


然而,正确的方法是使用c ++基本文件存储而不是转储二进制数据。

struct highscore
    char name[10];
    int n;
    std::time_t dateTime;

int main()
    int total_seconds = 61;
    char buf[50];
    sprintf(buf, "minutes:seconds=> %02d:%02d", total_seconds / 60, total_seconds % 60);
    cout << buf << endl;

    std::time_t timeNow = std::time(NULL);
    std::tm timeFormat = *std::localtime(&timeNow);
    cout << "Current date/time " << std::put_time(&timeFormat, "%c %Z") << endl;

    highscore data;

    //write data:
        FILE *streaming = fopen("Highscores.dat", "wb");

        strcpy(data.name, "name1");
        data.n = 1;
        data.dateTime = std::time(NULL);
        fwrite(&data, sizeof(data), 1, streaming);

        strcpy(data.name, "name2");
        data.n = 2;
        data.dateTime = std::time(NULL);
        fwrite(&data, sizeof(data), 1, streaming);


    //read data:
        FILE *streaming = fopen("Highscores.dat", "rb");

        fread(&data, sizeof(data), 1, streaming);
        cout << "reading:\n";
        cout << data.name << endl;
        cout << data.n << endl;
        timeFormat = *std::localtime(&data.dateTime);
        cout << std::put_time(&timeFormat, "%c %Z") << endl;
        cout << endl;

        fread(&data, sizeof(data), 1, streaming);
        cout << "reading:\n";
        cout << data.name << endl;
        cout << data.n << endl;
        timeFormat = *std::localtime(&data.dateTime);
        cout << std::put_time(&timeFormat, "%c %Z") << endl;
        cout << endl;


    return 0;