
时间:2015-05-10 18:17:51

标签: vhdl



警告:Xst:737 - 找到信号的7位锁存器。锁存器可以从不完整的case或if语句生成。我们不建议在FPGA / CPLD设计中使用锁存器,因为它们可能会导致时序问题   警告:Xst:737 - 找到信号的7位锁存器。锁存器可以从不完整的case或if语句生成。我们不建议在FPGA / CPLD设计中使用锁存器,因为它们可能会导致时序问题   警告:Xst:737 - 找到信号的7位锁存器。锁存器可以从不完整的case或if语句生成。我们不建议在FPGA / CPLD设计中使用锁存器,因为它们可能会导致时序问题   警告:Xst:737 - 找到信号的7位锁存器。锁存器可以从不完整的case或if语句生成。我们不建议在FPGA / CPLD设计中使用锁存器,因为它们可能会导致时序问题   警告:PhysDesignRules:372 - 门控时钟。时钟网temp_reg1_not0001由组合引脚提供。这不是好的设计实践。使用CE引脚控制数据加载到触发器中   警告:PhysDesignRules:372 - 门控时钟。时钟网temp_reg3_not0001由组合引脚提供。这不是好的设计实践。使用CE引脚控制数据加载到触发器中   警告:PhysDesignRules:372 - 门控时钟。时钟网temp_reg2_not0001由组合引脚提供。这不是好的设计实践。使用CE引脚控制数据加载到触发器中   警告:PhysDesignRules:372 - 门控时钟。时钟网temp_reg4_not0001由组合引脚提供。这不是好的设计实践。使用CE引脚控制数据加载到触发器中。

以下是所有源文件的链接(我在Ise Design Suite 14.7中工作) http://www.fileshare.ro/e31590660

编辑:不幸的是,我花了差不多半天时间,我仍然无法准确找出问题所在。 我只能非常粗略地说,这是在下面的代码(第73行和第7行)的过程中。

 library IEEE;
-- Folosim mai jos pachetul nostru
use work.Constante_si_componente.all;          

entity Optiune1 is   
    clk_50M:in std_logic;
    reset:in std_logic;
    catozi: out std_logic_vector(0 to 6);
    anozi: out std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
    opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4: in std_logic);
end entity;

architecture Behavioral of Optiune1 is   

-- Instantierea semnalelor locale
signal local_clk_1Hz: std_logic;
signal local_clk_1Khz: std_logic;  
signal adresa: integer range 0 to nr_cuvinte_distincte-1;       
signal sec_4: integer range 0 to limita_sup:=0; -- Numara exact 5 secunde
signal cuvant: std_logic_vector(lungime_cuvinte-1 downto 0);   
signal reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4: std_logic_vector(0 to 6):=(others=>'0');  
signal temp_reg1, temp_reg2, temp_reg3, temp_reg4: std_logic_vector(0 to 6) := (others=> '0');

-- Declarare componente   
component ROM 
    port (addr : in integer range 0 to nr_cuvinte_distincte-1;
          data: out std_logic_vector(lungime_cuvinte-1 downto 0));
end component ROM;      
component numarator 
    port(reset: in std_logic;
         clk: in std_logic; 
         limita_numarare: in integer;
         count: out integer range 0 to limita_sup);

end component; 
component registru
    port(clk_1Hz: in std_logic;
         reset: in std_logic;
         write_mode: in std_logic;
         input: in std_logic_vector(0 to 6);
         output: out std_logic_vector(0 to 6));
end component; 
component RRate 
    port(clk_1KHz: in std_logic;
    reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4: in std_logic_vector(0 to 6);
    catozi: out std_logic_vector(0 to 6);
    b:out std_logic_vector(0 to 3));
end component;

    -- Instantiem divizoarele de tact
    COMP_CLOCK_tat: divizor port map(clk_50M=>clk_50M, reset => reset, clk_1Hz => local_clk_1Hz, clk_1KHz=>local_clk_1KHz);

    -- Instantiem numaratorul
    Numarator_1: numarator port map(reset => reset, clk => local_clk_1Hz, limita_numarare => nr_cuvinte_distincte-1, count => adresa);      
    Numarator_2: numarator port map(reset => reset, clk => local_clk_1Hz, limita_numarare => 4, count => sec_4);

    -- Instantiem memoria
    Memorie1: ROM port map(addr => adresa, data => cuvant);

    -- Instantiem registrul
    Registrul_1: registru port map(local_clk_1Hz, reset, '1', temp_reg1, reg1);   
    Registrul_2: registru port map(local_clk_1Hz, reset, '1', temp_reg2, reg2);
    Registrul_3: registru port map(local_clk_1Hz, reset, '1', temp_reg3, reg3);
    Registrul_4: registru port map(local_clk_1Hz, reset, '1', temp_reg4, reg4);  

    -- Instantiem refresh rate-ul de la anozi
    Refresh_Rate: RRate port map (local_clk_1KHz, reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4, catozi, anozi);

    process(opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4, local_clk_1Hz, temp_reg1, temp_reg2, temp_reg3, temp_reg4, cuvant, sec_4) 
        if(opt1='1')and(opt2='0')and(opt3='0')and(opt4='0')and(local_clk_1Hz='1') then     
            temp_reg1 <= cuvant;
            temp_reg2 <= temp_reg1;
            temp_reg3 <= temp_reg2;
            temp_reg4 <= temp_reg3;         
        elsif(opt1='0')and(opt2='1')and(opt3='0')and(opt4='0')and(local_clk_1Hz='1') then
            temp_reg4 <= cuvant;
            temp_reg3 <= temp_reg4;
            temp_reg2 <= temp_reg3;
            temp_reg1 <= temp_reg2; 
        elsif(opt1='0')and(opt2='0')and(opt3='1')and(opt4='0')and(local_clk_1Hz='1') then 
            if sec_4 = 0 then 
                temp_reg1 <= cuvant;
            elsif sec_4 = 1 then 
                temp_reg2 <= cuvant;
            elsif sec_4 = 2 then
                temp_reg3 <= cuvant;
            elsif sec_4 = 3 then
                temp_reg4 <= cuvant;
            elsif sec_4 = 4 then
                temp_reg1 <= "1111111"; 
                temp_reg2 <= "1111111";
                temp_reg3 <= "1111111";
                temp_reg4 <= "1111111";
            end if;
       elsif(opt1='0')and(opt2='0')and(opt3='0')and(opt4='1')and(local_clk_1Hz='1') then 
            if sec_4 = 0 then 
                temp_reg1 <= cuvant;
            elsif sec_4 = 1 then            
                temp_reg2 <= cuvant;
            elsif sec_4 = 2 then
                temp_reg3 <= cuvant;
            elsif sec_4 = 3 then
            temp_reg4 <= cuvant;
            elsif sec_4 = 4 then
                temp_reg1 <= "1111111"; 
                temp_reg2 <= "1111111";
                temp_reg3 <= "1111111";
                temp_reg4 <= "1111111";
            end if;
            temp_reg1 <= (others => '0');
            temp_reg2 <= (others => '0');
            temp_reg3 <= (others => '0');
            temp_reg4 <= (others => '0');           
        end if;
    end process;

end architecture Behavioral;

上次编辑:我昨天必须上交项目,它在Nexys2 FPGA板上按预期运行,我将David Koontz的多路复用器代码添加到“未来”开发“项目文档的一部分。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


这可能是错的。由于您的流程是组合式的,因此temp_reg1的分配将再次触发流程,这会将temp_reg2的新值分配给cuvant,依此类推。基本上,这会将temp_regs分配给所有4 regx,但我不确定XST是否可以正确处理组合环回。

这可能不是你想要的。通常,这种过程会使用temp_regx分配给temp_reg1 <= cuvant; temp_reg2 <= reg1; temp_reg3 <= reg2; temp_reg4 <= reg3; ,这可能是您想要的:

if sec_4 = 0 then 
    temp_reg1 <= cuvant;
elsif sec_4 = 1 then            
    temp_reg2 <= cuvant;
elsif sec_4 = 2 then
    temp_reg3 <= cuvant;
elsif sec_4 = 3 then
temp_reg4 <= cuvant;
elsif sec_4 = 4 then
   temp_reg1 <= "1111111"; 
   temp_reg2 <= "1111111";
   temp_reg3 <= "1111111";
   temp_reg4 <= "1111111";
end if;

正如David Koontz所指出的,这段代码负责锁存器:


在组合过程中,过程中分配的每个信号必须在过程的每个路径中分配,否则您将获得一个锁存器。在这种情况下,例如,sec_4 = 0时未分配btnAdd.setOnClickListener(new OperationClick(Add).listenerOn(this));

答案 1 :(得分:1)

在翻译完所有罗马尼亚名称和评论并注意到temp_reg1 - temp_reg4是注册表的输入后,它不会显示您想要的锁定。

无意推断的锁存器是由于缺少完整的条件分配覆盖范围,并且无法保证组合时钟(或锁存器使能)由于通过改变数量的“门”而导致的延迟差异而无毛刺。目标设备中的等价物,&#39; wire&#39;由于放置而导致的延迟以及上升和下降时间的差异。防止锁存需要在case语句中的每个条件或选项下进行赋值,基本上是可达的elseothers






-- added declarations

    component divizor is
        port (
            clk_50M:    in  std_logic;
            reset:      in  std_logic;
            clk_1Hz:    out std_logic;
            clk_1KHz:   out std_logic
        ) ;
    end component;

    signal some_cond0:     std_logic;
    signal some_cond1:     std_logic;
    signal some_cond2:     std_logic;
    signal some_cond3:     std_logic;



-- new concurrent signal assignment statements:

    some_cond0 <= opt1 and not opt2 and not opt3 and not opt4 and local_clk_1Hz;

    some_cond1 <= not opt1 and opt2 and not opt3 and not opt4 and local_clk_1Hz;

    some_cond2 <= not opt1 and not opt2 and opt3 and not opt4 and local_clk_1Hz;

    some_cond3 <= not opt1 and not opt2 and not opt3 and opt4 and local_clk_1Hz;




    temp_reg1 <= cuvant    when  some_cond0 = '1' else
                 temp_reg2 when  some_cond1 = '1' else 
                 cuvant    when  (some_cond2 = '1' or some_cond3 = '1') and
                                 sec_4 < 4                                 else
                 "1111111" when (some_cond2 = '1' or some_cond3 = '1')  and
                                 sec_4 = 4                                 else
                 (others => '0');
    temp_reg2 <= temp_reg1 when  some_cond0 = '1' else
                 temp_reg3 when  some_cond1 = '1' else 
                 cuvant    when  (some_cond2 = '1' or some_cond3 = '1') and
                                 sec_4 < 4                                 else
                 "1111111" when (some_cond2 = '1' or some_cond3 = '1')  and
                                 sec_4 = 4                                 else
                 (others => '0');
     temp_reg3 <= temp_reg2 when  some_cond0 = '1' else
                  temp_reg4 when  some_cond1 = '1' else 
                  cuvant    when  (some_cond2 = '1' or some_cond3 = '1') and
                                  sec_4 < 4                                 else
                  "1111111" when (some_cond2 = '1' or some_cond3 = '1')  and
                                  sec_4 = 4                                 else
                  (others => '0');  
    temp_reg4 <= temp_reg3 when  some_cond0 = '1' else
                 cuvant    when  some_cond1 = '1' else 
                 cuvant    when  (some_cond2 = '1' or some_cond3 = '1') and
                                  sec_4 < 4                                 else
                 "1111111" when (some_cond2 = '1' or some_cond3 = '1')  and
                                  sec_4 = 4                                 else
                 (others => '0');    

在多路复用器分离的情况下,没有敏感列表项导致掉线, 始终 分配 - 每个多路复用器中的最终else



在修改您的设计后,我们对其进行了分析,但没有divizorROMnumaratorregistruRRate的实体/体系结构对,我无法&#39 ;精心设计或模拟您的设计。




整数(inter中的numarator)的默认值是左边界(通常为-2147483647)。在初始化期间,将对countrange 0 to limita_sup)进行分配,这将导致绑定检查失败。

signal inter: integer; -- acest semnal chiar e intermediar fiindca nu prea

应该是positive而不是整数,所以默认值在count的范围内,或者应该在count' bounds ( 0`中提供默认值。