
时间:2015-05-08 23:47:41

标签: database actionscript-3 flash

我正在使用Flash和ActionScript 3编写移动应用程序,我希望使用后端数据库填充页面。


App Screen


但是,我希望为15辆不同的汽车(G Wagon只是其中之一)中的每一辆车单独“加载”信息,然后车辆选择屏幕将带您进入此页面。







package com.james.mercedes //Location of the package! 

import flash.display.MovieClip;

import flash.display.Stage;

import flash.display.StageAlign;

import flash.display.StageScaleMode;

import flash.display.StageQuality;

import flash.display.SimpleButton;

import flash.events.Event;

import flash.events.TextEvent;

import flash.text.*;

//import assets from the library
import Background;
import CarImage;
import BackButton;
import CarName;
import CarDescription;
import InformationTable;
//import CarNameText;
//import CarDescriptionText;
//import InformationTableTitleText;

//import classes in our package
//import com.james.mercedes;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;

//Background color of the stage
//chosen the actionscript file
public class carInfo extends MovieClip 

//make an instance of the asset
private var background:MovieClip = new Background();
private var carImage:MovieClip = new CarImage();
private var backButton:MovieClip = new BackButton();
private var carName:MovieClip = new CarName();
private var carDescription:MovieClip = new CarDescription();
private var informationTable:MovieClip = new InformationTable();
//private var carNameText:MovieClip = new CarNameText();
//private var carDescriptionText:MovieClip = new CarDescriptionText();
//private var informationTableTitleText:MovieClip = new    InformationTableTitleText();

var CarNameText: TextField = new TextField;

//main file to set up application
public function carInfo() 

//wait for the stage to load before doing any calculations - good practice

addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init )

function init( e:Event ):void

//trace( " Here " );

//setup stage for mobile device

stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

//doesn't shrink or enlarge (no_scale)
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

stage.quality = StageQuality.HIGH;

//call upon a public class of static variables ( refer to folder structure to     locate Constants.as )

stage.stageWidth = Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH;

stage.stageHeight = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT;

//add the linked instance from library to the stage

addChild ( background );
addChild ( carImage );
addChild ( backButton );
addChild ( carName );
addChild ( carDescription );
addChild ( informationTable );
addChild ( carNameText );
addChild ( carDescriptionText );
addChild ( informationTableTitleText );

//scale accordingly before positioning it

//background.scaleX *= Constants.SCREEN_SCALE;

//background.scaleY *= Constants.SCREEN_SCALE;

//position to a fixed x and y

background.x = 0;
background.y = 0;

carImage.x = 0;
carImage.y = 0;

backButton.x = 18.30;
backButton.y = 19.90;

carName.x = 194.55;
carName.y = 378.85;

carDescription.x = 12.55;
carDescription.y = 432.65;

informationTable.x = 47.55;
informationTable.y = 833.65;

carNameText.x = 204.90;
carNameText.y = 370.40;

carDescriptionText.x = 43.85;
carDescriptionText.y = 453.90;

informationTableTitleText.x = 168.85;
informationTableTitleText.y = 806.20;




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

通常,app(任何AIR或swf应用程序)都可以通过常规表单POST(如html表单)将数据发送到后端。该应用程序还可以加载php页面并阅读其内容。因此,应用程序将数据POST到php页面并加载其响应(XML)。您应该始终使用XML将数据从后端发送到应用程序 - 封装它们(RESTful)。


示例:getCars.php?sMake = Ford = sModel = Explorer - getCars.php可以使用sMake和sModel查询并在xml中写入结果。该应用程序加载xml。


        <itemName>![CDATA[<G Wagon]]></itemName>
        <itemDescription><![CDATA[The Mercedes-Benz G-Class or ...]]></itemDescription>


