; 32-bit assembly language template
; INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
INCLUDELIB C:\Irvine\Kernel32.lib
INCLUDELIB C:\Irvine\Irvine32.lib
INCLUDE C:\Irvine\Irvine32.inc
pbyte typedef ptr byte ; pointer to bytes
minVals byte 5,2,4,1,3 ; globally visible
maxVals byte 9,5,8,4,6 ; globally visible
samplePin_1 byte 6,3,4,4,3 ; valid PIN
samplePin_2 byte 5,2,3,2,4 ; digit 3 is invalid
samplePin_3 byte 5,2,4,5,3 ; digit 5 is invalid
samplePin_4 byte 1,3,4,4,3 ; digit 1 is invalid
ptr1 pbyte samplePin_1 ; points to array samplePin_1
ptr2 pbyte samplePin_2 ; points to array samplePin_2
ptr3 pbyte samplePin_3 ; points to array samplePin_3
ptr4 pbyte samplePin_4 ; points to array samplePin_4
ptr5 pbyte minVals ; points to array minVals
ptr6 pbyte maxVals ; points to array maxVals
ValidPINMsg byte "The PIN is valid ", 0 ;
InvalidPINMsg byte "The PIN is invalid. The invalid digit is ", 0 ;
main proc
mov eax,VALID_PIN ;
mov edi,ptr5
mov ebp,ptr6
mov esi,ptr1
call ValidatePIN ; determine whether or not the PIN is valid
.IF eax == 0
mov edx,OFFSET ValidPINMsg
call WriteString
call WaitMsg
call Crlf
mov edx,OFFSET InvalidPINMsg
call WriteString
call WriteDec
call WaitMsg
call Crlf
mov esi,ptr2
mov edi,ptr5
mov ebp,ptr6
call ValidatePIN ; determine whether or not the PIN is valid
.IF eax == 0
mov edx,OFFSET ValidPINMsg
call WriteString
call WaitMsg
call Crlf
mov edx,OFFSET InvalidPINMsg
call WriteString
call WriteDec
call WaitMsg
call Crlf
mov esi,ptr3
mov edi,ptr5
mov ebp,ptr6
call ValidatePIN ; determine whether or not the PIN is valid
.IF eax == 0
mov edx,OFFSET ValidPINMsg
call WaitMsg
call Crlf
mov edx,OFFSET InvalidPINMsg
call WriteString
call WriteDec
call WaitMsg
call Crlf
mov esi,ptr4
mov edi,ptr5
mov ebp,ptr6
call ValidatePIN ; determine whether or not the pin is valid
.IF eax == 0
mov edx,OFFSET ValidPINMsg
call WriteString
call WaitMsg
call Crlf
mov edx,OFFSET InvalidPINMsg
call WriteString
call WriteDec
call WaitMsg
call Crlf
main endp
ValidatePIN PROC
mov ecx,PIN_SIZE
mov al, byte ptr [esi]
.IF (al < [edi]) || (al > [ebp])
neg ecx
add ecx, 6
jmp L1
add esi,1
add edi,1
add ebp,1
dec ecx
.UNTIL ecx == 0
mov eax,ecx
ValidatePIN ENDP
END main